I try to call 2 proc togather but the second proc seems cannot work like what it work without the first proc.
Below is the code:
proc comparevalue {} {
proc writetocsv {} {
Please advice.
thanks for the suggestion.
But it still wont compare the 2 lists. I follow want you suggest to me. It return me, the code will append 2 list in one list for me. IT WONT COMPARE! i dont know where is going wrong? is it going wrong with when i set the list?
please see the attachment file
there is 2 line one is with io and one is x
how do i compare those 2 list?
I want to get the paramenter that not exsist at both list.
Here is my code:
if { $x == ""} {
puts "x is empty"
set x $i
} else {
foreach i $io {
set y ""
puts $writefile1 "pin...
I found a command :
compare-list lista # listb list c
why i cannot use it like that? What is the correct way to use this command?
Please advice asap!
i want to check whether the x is a empty list, if not empty list i want perform some function, below is the code.
The function that i want to perform is: I have 2 list, and i want to check whether this 2 list have the same element or not? if not the same, get the extra element.
foreach i...
i have another question:
what happen if my list is i get from a database which i set it to
foreach part $partno{
set count ""
set count [<command> $partno]
set y 1
foreach x count{
if $x>=$y {
set y $x
} else {
set y $y
puts $y
i want to get max value from the list.
please advice.
I am new to tcl language, just started 1 month ago. I need some help here:
I want to compare the element in the list and get the biggest value and store it. What command should i use?
numberlist [15 30 22 75 50 30A 150 110]
Please advice
My code is as below
set devicelist ""
set readdevice [open "device.txt" r]
while {[gets $readdevice linenew] != -1} {
lappend devicelist $linenew
puts $devicelist
and the result is
device1 device2 device3 { device4 } { device5 } { device5 }
Question 1
why my result sometime with curly...
I am trying to run the marco in the excel sheet using TCL script.
Below code is trying to open multiple csv file and run the marco to combine the 2 csv file into one excel sheet
package require tcom
set excel [::tcom::ref createobj Excel.Application]
set workbooks [$excel Workbooks]...
i try to delete all file in the directory then i use
file delete {$allsheet}
but it cannot delete all the file.
Here is mycode
set contents [glob -nocomplain *.txt]
set x [llength $contents]
puts $x
while {$x > 0} {
set contents [glob -nocomplain $file *.txt]
foreach item $contents...
how to delete a file with spacing?
Hello world.txt
I use the command
file delete Helloworld.txt
the file cant be delete
Can you show me a way?
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