hi, fisheromacse
How do I get the first approach to return something else other than an increment so that I will be able to extract the records with code 244 and suppress the ones without?
Thank you.
How can I split a string that doesn't contain a delimiter?
I need to extract 3 character codes that are strung together in 1 field without a delimiter. For example, I have a string that looks like this:
212356244120000000000000000 (40 char)
I need to split them into
and be...
Hi LB,
Thanks for the reply.
I tried minimum([{%exp1},{%exp2},{%exp3},...]) but the formula returned 0 instead of the 139, 141,.... Any other advice would be appreciated.
I have 10 sql expressions that return 10 different numbers: 139, 141, 143, 145,...,157. Each number associates with data from a field in a table. In CR report, each record could have more than one number...
Thanks, Turkbear & LB
Turkbear, unfortunately, I don't have the separate portions of address. No., St name and type are in the same field. Thanks anyway for your help.
LB, the formula works like a charm, thanks! Just one little change , it has to start with the longest string otherwise the...
I compare addresses using StrCmp(str1, str2, 1). I am able to omit the case-sensitivity but am having a trouble with street abbreviations such as Ave, Ave., Avenue.
How can I omit the differences so the formula would return 0 (equal)?
Hi Dell,
Thanks very much for your reply. I decided to make the report export all courses in one column and let the users change texts to columns in excel. Anyway, if I have time, I will experiment on each of your solutions to see how each one works.
I have the records displayed horizontally in one line using a variable: stringvar courses := courses + {course}+ " ";.
So, instead of
This is what I have now:
ID Course
However, the...
Thanks for your help. I already finished the report using your idea of creating a date table in excel. I then link the calendar date to the meeting date in each building sub-report and order the building sub-reports horizontally.
I just realized that we have every occurrence date stored in a table. *_* So, the question now is how can I put the data in a nice calendar style with the dates in the left (like the sample above.)
Thank you.
Thank you for the idea. If an expert like you are saying that this is a challenge, maybe it's not a good idea to do this calendar in Crystal.
I will try the method you suggested above and see how it goes (if I can ever make it happen:)).
Hi Ibass,
The codes are in one field that is a constant length (=7) with spaces for missing characters. The position of the codes indicates the day of the week.
40030[tab] WWWWWW [tab][tab]A1001[tab][tab][tab](weekly, Mon-Fri)
60070[tab] W W...
I have a course meeting table that shows only the starting and ending dates of the classes and meeting days of week (meet once, weekly or biweekly on M W T...)
The days of week data is quite tricky. The days are determined by the position of the meeting code. Below is how the data look like...
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