Thanx, i tried this one and it works for me.
But i did not want the users to login to the server via putty. So i replaced the "useradd penguin" with "useradd -s /bin/false penguin"
Hi there i would like to use mysql for share authentication when people try to access the share.
I searched the whole net for a example on how to do this but was unsuccesfull.
Any help would be appreciated. thanx
Thanx that works great, i just add it to the shares i have created.
I have used this example on how to setup proftpd with mysql.
Is there a similar example that i can use with samba.
I want to add passwords and usernames to the shares
Hi there.
On my server i have three(3) shares.
They are software ,www and shared_data.
My server also has two nics that i use to allow two networks to connect.
This i what i want to try and do.
The share www and software should only be visible from network
And then...
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