Thank you very much for the quick response.
Actually I am working on an application wherein I need to read and based on the flag value obtained from one file, have to Pause the execution in the second file.
1st file contains many other operation like start execution, passing several...
For example if I have file1.tcl and file2.tcl
global flag
set flag 0
Here i need to use the value of flag that is present in file1.tcl.
My obejctive is to read the value of a variable present in file1.tcl from file2.tcl.
Can anyone help me...
Thanks for the quick response.
Error occurs at the execution of below while loop:
while {![eof $fid]} {
$temp::ewin insert end [read $fid 1000] $temp::font
where ewin is editor window defined as before:
global temp::ewin
set temp::ewin [ctext $sw2.ed -width 80 -height 20 -wrap none\...
We are using TCL\TK and while trying to write into a file, getting below error message inconsistently for some of the records:
Syntax error in expression "+ 119 +": premature end of expression.
As I am pretty new to TCL\TK, it would be very helpful if I get any information on how to...
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