fisheromacse thats exactly what i needed and it worked perfectly!!!!!!!!!!!!
lbass thank you very much for the addition and that will come in handy.
I very much appreciate the help and the concept will enable me to do so much more. You guys rock!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you so much for the response. Sorry i wasn't too clear but you are very close. I am doing exactly as you mentioned, however i want to use {file.QtySoldMonth1} for 2009 and {file.QtySoldMonth1} for 2010 in the same formula. I am not sure of the syntax for the formula that actually uses the...
Hello all!
i am using Crystal Reports 10.
We group our products by their item numbers, and output the Quantity Sold Per month in rows of years.
ItemNumber Year JAN FEB MARCH
50 2009 2,193 1,953 1,223 <--(quantity sold)
2010 1,042 1,566 1,223...
Crystal Reports 10 here.
This is very close to what we are trying to achieve here:
The items are grouped by ItemNumber so:
Item Number 1:
Item Number 2:
Item Number 3:
This is what the Table is:
Year Period1 Period2 Period3
2009 959 252...
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