I am trying to execute the following command from c prompt to get an output of the script test that should echo information to a logfile.
CScript.exe //NoLogo C:\Reike\Reike.vbs > C:\Reike\logfile.txt
the script executes but no output. What needs to be installed to run cscript commands from...
Yes, this is very helpful. Most of the time they are run-time errors. I can typically find the syntax but I am used to stepping through the logic during run-time. Since that is not possible, and we need to keep the on error resume next in the code, this will help alot.
Does placement of...
yes the files all have the same file extension.
Thank you for the idea for file type - didn't know that was possible. I'll give it a try and let you know. :)
I am using Visual Studio to debug vbscripts. However, when the script runs in Visual studio editor, it does not necessarily run when the script is executed.
I would like to know how the vbscript is best debugged. Is there a debugger out there that will allow a step through process or do you...
I have a script that is running and working fine. but it is using
strStoragePath2 = "C:\Reike\Email\"
StrFilePath = "C:\AC\Work\*.pdf"
objFSO.MoveFile StrFilePath, strStoragePath2
The problem is that if the folder has 10 files the first 9 are being moved and the last file is not. Has...
No - The files are not moving at all when the script is executed. but walking through with Visual Studio they will move. So I'm not sure of the differences and/or what the problem is.
Why would the code execute successfully in Visual Studio and not in CScript.exe?
I have verified that the pdf files are in existence and they actually move via visual studio but not when the script is executed via CScript. Is there a way to walk through CScript.exe line by line to determine the problem?
I have this script that will move all *.pdf files from a folder to a specific location. The script is as follows: It executes on Load and I can get it to work via Visual studio editor (stepping through) but when the vbscript runs, it does not work.. If anyone can understand why, please...
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