Could anybody guide me how to write a regex to replace SSI syntax in HTML??
Replace all SSI occurences in a HTML page, i.e.
<!--#include file="/include/common/header.html" -->
<!--#include file="/include/common/disclaimer.html" -->
<!--#include file="/include/common/footer.html" -->...
I would like to find a first occurence from last in a string.
For example, these are my entries:-
Is there any regexp can help me to find my file...
May I know how can I call a borderless popup window from a parent window? Inside this borderless popup window contain a flash file.
Please advise. Thanks.
I'm a new learner abt Perl. Would like to know that how can I write and append to a text file from an array. Each entry will be seperate by next line (\n). Please help. Thanx :)
May I know is there anyway in Perl I can truncate left of my string.
For example, I'll always have these kind of input:
1. /product/fund/include/aaa.cfm
2. /aboutus/include/bbb.cfm
3. /tool/char/include/ccc.cfm
What i wish to do is always TRUNCATE the left of the input, and remain the...
Hi PerlIsGood,
Thanks for your quick reply. Yup, u r rite. The image source is always different. And there might be a few <img> tag in the content.
I have a problem in how can I subsitute the html tag:
<img alt="" border="0" src="/banner_goodlife2.swf">
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"...
Godd Day!!
I face a problem in how to read a tab delimited text file? Can anybody help?
Each line of the text file might appear in this format:-
e.g1: <data1><tab><data2><tab><data3><tab><data4><tab><data5>
e.g2: <data1><tab><tab><data3><tab><data4><tab><data5>
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