We are using CISCO vpn router, I think it is 871 and it works well, but now it is in Vancouver for Olympic games. I wanted to try to connect with ADSL for another event while Vancouver crew is away.
I will have to wait for vpn router to come back then :-)
I have checked web configuration of the physical phone. It seems that "Debug log" option does not work because last entry is from "70-01-01 00:00:00" and it is not changing with time.
Option "show phone configuration" gives me
HW ver./Application...
we are using MD110 TSW with IPLU cards (H.323 protocol). Recently we decided to open 1 IPLU IP address to Internet and bypass company firewall in order to allow phone calls over ADSL. When we did it, we cannot connect to IPLU card over Internet with physical IP phones. Strangely...
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