And just for future readers of this post - when I published this report to our enterprise server for others in my organization to access, the option to export to Tab Separated Text (TTX) did not exist. But exporting to Rich Text Format (RTF) worked. I then copied and pasted it into excel and...
Thank you PGFrank for the idea.
I exported it to Tab Separated Text(TTX)and associated that with notepad. Then copied the text in the notepad and pasted into excel and it split it into the correct cells on the correct rows.
Thank you all for your...
PGFrank - can you explain how you set this up: "My main report contains a field that allows me to determine whether or not the subreport will have data for a particular detail record."
And are you suppressing the sub if null from the main report or in the sub.
Thank you so much for all of your attempts to help solve this problem! I think I am stuck with a wrapping subreport :-) I decided to try to remove the running total all together to see if that was causing the problem - and removing it didn't solve the problem - so I am making the assumption...
It does move when I move the guidelines, however it is not red in the corners to show it is attached, the way the fields in the primary report are. But it does move. Is there a way to make it attached so that the corners turn red the way the other ones do (for now I had dragged the subreport...
I have done the search and the only answer I came up with was to make sure that the subreport is lined up with the rest of the report (formated the same height and aligned.) This has been done in this report and it still is wrapping. Any other thoughts?
How can you export to excel when your report has a subreport - and you want the subreport information on the same line as the information in your report (by record).
For example: in crystal it appears
record 1info subreport info
but when you export it becomes
record 1info
subreport info
The formula is the @Count of Approved Swipes formula field in the footer which was created using summary, count. So the formula is
It is located in the group footer.
Other than that the field choosers are the other formulas and they are...
I am allowing my user to choose a date range for the report. The formula is set up so that the date equals the parameter. The parameter is set up as a date range. How can I print the chosen date range in the report header.
I am trying to suppress a group footer when the count is less than 25. In the section expert I have chosen to supress group footer using the following formula: WhilePrintingRecords;{@Count of Approved Swipes}<25
but it isn't working. What am I doing wrong?
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