1. How can i setup BMS server, DO i need to purchase it seperately or it comes with ELU32 card?
2. When i open web browser by using "Ericsson" as password i can only view debug log and can't view or change settings of Dialogue 4422 how can i change setting using web browser?
I am new to MD 110 and have dealt with exchanges in past. In this new office i was given a responsibility to extend MD110 extensions over ethernet using dialogue 4422 phone.
MD110 is using BC-11 and Dialogue is DBC 422 01/01001 R3A.
From reading the posts i can make out that it requires a...
I cann't upgrade MD110 to BC13. I want to Dialogue 4422 with BC-11. How to change the network entries in phone e.g. its Gatekeeper password or DHCP enble/ disable options
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