I've attached an image showing a low line count encoder that was properly converted, and a 360-line encoder that exhibits the glitches.
Any advice is appreciated!http://i892.photobucket.com/albums/ac123/KLoux/med_line_count.jpg
I don't think this is it - since my original post I discovered that I can display any number of lines in ghostscript (postscript can do floating point numbers, right? Is there some reason why the angles would have to be greater than 1 degree?). I can even do 2500 lines, and when I zoom in I...
I'm new to postscript - I've been modifying a file I found here: http://www.sxlist.com/techref/io/sensor/pos/enc/enc_ps.htm and I'm getting some funky results. I have a parameter for number of lines on the encoder. With small values (100-200) everything looks great, but when I start...
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