I have a report where the records are visually suppressed if there are duplicates. It is not suppressing the row, which is how I want it, but when I total the amounts it is totaling all the values, including the suppressed amounts. Is there a way to total the amounts like the...
I am trying to create a command in crystal with the following and I keep getting errors...somethin about an interval qualifier at the end of the statement. Any ideas??
WHEN rpt_cd in ('58','59','60','62','63') Then 'LCM Themed'
WHEN rpt_cd...
I have the report grouped only by contract.The multiple comments are at the contract level and I set up the formulas as suggested in the comments. It is a large report with many contract details but I only need the first 5 lines of the comment section. I am using CR2008.
I have a report that is pulling several thousand contract records because the comments create a new record each time they are entered. I would like to concatenate the comments into a single least the first 5 comments.
I found the following solution and it would have worked but it...
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