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  • Congratulations Mike Lewis on being selected by the Tek-Tips community for having the most helpful posts in the forums last week. Way to Go!

Search results for query: *

  1. michelledebeer

    Bring window to front

    I have one main-window that opens a window named "myWindow". If you click in the main-window, myWindow is hidden behind it. Can I bring myWindow on top of the main-window, using a link? My process: function checkWindowOpen() { if (myWindow == open) { bringToFront } } Any...
  2. michelledebeer

    Layer question

    No, that does not work... I use IE 5.0 Here is the complete code: <script> function print_text(txt,anyLayer) { if(document.layers) { with(document.layers[anyLayer]) { document.open(); document.write(txt)...
  3. michelledebeer

    Layer question

    I have this function that prints a text to a layer without reloading the page. function print_text(text) { if(document.layers) { with(document.layers['myLayer']) { document.open(); document.write(text)...
  4. michelledebeer

    Passing &quot;&quot; to function

    Thanks... I would like to follow up with another question: If I pass this to the function: <body onload=&quot;printQuotes('<a href=& quot;link.htm& quot;>thelink</a>');&quot;> Can I in the function replace the & quot; to &quot; instead, perhaps using regular expressions? (Pseudo-code) function...
  5. michelledebeer

    Passing &quot;&quot; to function

    I would like to pass quotes (&quot;&quot;) into a function. I have tried escaping them with \&quot;, but all I get is &quot;undetermined string constant&quot;. Without the quotes, all is well. function printQuotes(html) { alert(html); } ... <body onload=&quot;javascript:printQuotes('<a...
  6. michelledebeer

    replace \n with &lt;br&gt;

    I have a text-area and when you submit it, the \n (enter) should be replaced with a <br>. How do I do this? Example: TEXT: Text with some enters that should be replaced by &quot;<br>&quot; REPLACED TEXT: Text with some<br>enters that should be replaced<br>by &quot;<br>&quot;
  7. michelledebeer

    Bound keyboard key to JS-function

    This is a function that is limited to the service we provide and the F1 key is the key the one we have desided to use, because it will open a help-window for our service. Since people are used to pressing the F1 key for help, this will not be annoying to most people, but a way for them to feel...
  8. michelledebeer

    Bound keyboard key to JS-function

    I would like to take control over a key on the keyboard, namely F1. Can I with JavaScript call a function that opens a new window when someone hits this button like that annoying mouse-right-button-click that usually says &quot;Don't mess with the source&quot;? The only difference is that this...
  9. michelledebeer

    Netscape popup window problem

    Usually problems with Netscape have to do with a missing closing tag. Check all your tags, so they are complete. // Michelle
  10. michelledebeer

    closing one window from another window

    Case 1: If I open a new window (B) from window A, I know I can close B from A. Can I close A from B? Case 2: I open window B from window A. Then I open window C from A. Can I close B from C and C from B? Hope you followed my trail of letters... Any thoughts? // Michelle
  11. michelledebeer

    IE write to layer

    Thanks a million everyone!
  12. michelledebeer

    IE write to layer

    Oops, sorry for being to short. I want to print it to the <div>-tag... This is the html code: <html> <title>Swap Images</title> <head> <script> function print_picture(picture) { with(document.layers['myLayer']) { document.open(); document.write('<img src=&quot;'+picture+'&quot;>')...
  13. michelledebeer

    IE write to layer

    I want to update a layer without reloading the page. I have previously recieved this function, but it only works with Netscape. How can I make it work for IE? function print_picture(picture) { with(document.layers['myLayer']) { document.open(); document.write('<img...
  14. michelledebeer

    IE update layer

    I want to update a layer without reloading the page. I have previously recieved this function, but it only works with Netscape. How can I make it work for IE? function print_picture(picture) { with(document.layers['myLayer']) { document.open(); document.write('<img...
  15. michelledebeer

    Timed image-change in layer

    UNIMENT, What is the correct way to write this for IE? document.layers['myLayer'] This only works for Netscape... // Michelle
  16. michelledebeer

    Timed image-change in layer

    Ok... an update... Now I fixed everything but the writing to the layer... Anyone know how to replace content in a layer? // Michelle
  17. michelledebeer

    Timed image-change in layer

    I want to change an image in a layer every minute. I have an idea of the codeflow: FUNCTIONS: var remember = 0; var minutepicture = array('1.gif','2.gif' etc...); timer() { //activate pick_picture() every 6000 ms setTimeout('pick_picture()',6000); } function pick_picture() { if...
  18. michelledebeer

    Hide layers onMouseOut

    Hmmm... Interesting. How do I set the onmouseover event of the bottom layer?
  19. michelledebeer

    Hide layers onMouseOut

    That is the essens of what I want to do, but it is a little more complicated than that. Here is the function I want to do: function setArea(xleft,xright,ytop,ybottom) { // Get the current coordinates for X and Y in some way... var xPos=currentXpos var ypos=cyrrentYpos if (xPos<xleft ||...
  20. michelledebeer

    Hide layers onMouseOut

    I have a pop-up menu system that uses layers to show the different sections. I have noticed on other web sites that when the mouse-pointer exits the layer, the menus are hidden automatically. In my script I have solved this by just setting a timeout to 5 second if there has been no activity...

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