No, it will be without dot.
There's one network adapter.
But I found a mistake: FQDN is case - sensitive, becaust when I imporive it, everything works perfectly :)
I wrote something like it.
It works, but wscript.echo return 2 message "Something is wrong". Script don't want do process my loop. Anybody know how to do it? :(
On Error Resume Next
Dim ComputerName
Const wbemFlagReturnImmediately = &h10
Const wbemFlagForwardOnly = &h20
strComputer = "."...
I have the script who check something.
I need give my colleagues the possibility to run script on the computer, which name he write in Message Box.
So i have a conception:
Give FQDN name to script
And do my script.
Any idea how to realize it?
Hi Guys,
I have a problem.
I wolud like to write a script meet requirements:
Script must parse logfile for string ">>ZIP", create new text file with date-based name and copy every line which contains string "Connector".
I wrote script to parse logfile.
I wrote script to create...
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