Thanks for advice! I decided to change processors and use their stand alone swipe terminals. Now I can keep my ancient but working XP/Aloha system with little add'l effort.
Bonus: My new CC processor rates are 30% lower than current. I should probably bank the savings toward purchase of a new...
So I've got just one XP terminal connected to an XP BOH, could not afford $$$ upgrades and maintenance agreements. Have been VERY fortunate system has not crashed bc my local after hours Aloha tech moved away.
But it looks like my day of reckoning has come, because my CC processor is charging...
Thanks for response, Coorsman! After much reading of other posts I solved problem by freeing up drive space on my Radiant P1220.
Free drivespace memory was down to 3meg, so I deleted old files/folders leftover from stand-alone days when network was down. No more LogWriteTransaction error! Now...
Have problem similar to previous unanswered thread below...running QS ver Error is causing terminal shutdown loop. Ideas? Thanks in advance for your help!
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