Yes I DID change the names - i have put my actual names!
The other thing is my criteria is slightly different to the example
I want the fourth field to pop up when the value in the 3rd field is PAID UP SHARES.
If you check my earlier post, I have given the full text of the error...
The code I have used is the one suggested by dhookom in an earlier post. It goes something like:
Public Function ShowHide4th()
NameOf4thTextBox.Visible = Me.NameOf3rdTextBox < 3
End Function
This code would have been created as "ShowHide4th" in the forms module. I then set the On...
Thank you very much for your response. I have now tried both methods but thereis still no joy.
With the first method (the one from randy700, no error messages come up but I am not getting the result. i.e. when field 3 has been changed I am not getting field 4 to pop up.
With the...
A great many thanks to randy700 and dhookom for the responses. I have totay tried both methods you gave but am encountering a few problems and need a bit more help. The codes are coming up with errors.
1) What do I use as the 'name of the text box'? - in my case the text box has a combo. Do...
Thanks very much for your response. Could you explain further, the part about "adding the function in the form's module" How do I actually do this bit?
Thanks once again
I am designing a data entry form. The form will have four fields.
However I am trying it to design it in such a way that one of the fields only pops up on the form when certain information has been entered in field three.
For instance Field 3 requires an input of 'length of time at present...
Hello All
I have found it a bit difficult to explain my question so I will use a scenario.
I am designing a form with two fields to enter data on Vehicle Make and Model. I have one look up table with vehicle makes and another with all the models. They have been designed to come up as 'scroll...
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