I have a simple table, it has two coloumns [Product] [DateTime],
in this table row updates in random time (it could update every second or no updates for several seconds).
How can I get a frequency distribution (number of product) in evry 10 seconde ?
A 10/15/2009...
How can I calculate Confidence Interval By MS SQL?
I have an Array of Data, and I'm looking for a method Like Confidence Interval in Excel.
Thank you very much in advance,
I have a table with two fields. products and Datetime.
how can I count the number of products on each hour ?
from 6:00 AM until 6:00 PM for example.
Table 1
A 2009-10-20 6.00.01
A 2009-10-20 6.10.10
B 2009-10-20...
Thank you for your answer.
Instead of Date/Time, I can use seconde also.
I access to the unix_seconde fields, which is absolute seconde.
I want to count products in the priode of 3600 secode.
Thanks again.
I have a table with two fields. procudts and DateTime.
how can I count the number of procudts on each hour ?
from 6:00 AM until 6:00 PM for example.
Table 1
A 2009-10-20 6.00.01
A 2009-10-20 6.10.10
B 2009-10-20...
I have a Table with two field and one million row.
List of this table has been generated by SQL "Group By" command.
it's looks like below table,
now, I want to select those rows of the table which the difference between the value of each row and previous row in second fields (and same...
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