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Search results for query: *


    Mirroring setup for connections other than sa (SQL 2005)

    I have trouble setting up mirroring sessions on SQL 2005 servers (high availability : principal+mirror+witness). When I use the "sa" login in my ADO connection string, failover mgnt is fine : my app switches from the principal to the mirror (the new principal). When I connect with a "foo"...

    Depleting a table by successive selects

    I think I can add a tag column (1=already selected, 0 to be selected) and adding some code in a select trigger ? But the tag column would be changed even when I'm querying from Management Studio. I then need to know if the query is an app query from my C# .SelectCommand(...) or a Management...

    Depleting a table by successive selects

    Hello, I need an efficient algorithm to SELECT rows from a table, but NOT already previously SELECTed rows. For ex., if table rows are Col1 Col2 Col3 Id1 201 1 Id2 300 4 Id3 150 1 Id4 162 3 Id5 190 4 Id6 305 3 SELECT1 : "SELECT * FROM Table WHERE Col3 = 3" will selects...

    Indexed view slows down data insert into contributing table

    But I thought that indexes where not updated at every insert, but slowly became less relevant until they were re-computed by a scheduled daily task for example ?

    Indexed view slows down data insert into contributing table

    I use SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition. I build an indexed view VIEW_EVENTS joining data beetween a constant table and an EVENTS table with a data input rate of 1000 rows/sec, varchar and int fields. The view clustered index is on a an IDENTITY int from the EVENT table. The SELECT request...

    Opening protected Excel files with ADO.NET

    Hello, The KB211378 warns that it's impossible to open a protected Excel file even in a readonly mode with ADO.NET. This KB211378 sounds silly enough to me, since as I know the password I should be able to READ it ! The workaround is either 1/ to remove manually the protection password (@?#!!)...

    Table name with single quote in it

    I use SQL Server 2005 and Visio 2003 Enterprise Architects. SQL Server 2005 has no trouble with a table name with a single quote in it (like [dbo].[Satriale's Pork Store] for example) but Visio can't get it right when I try to reverse engineer : all tables with single quote fall on error and...

    Is JOINT using varchar columns less efficient ?

    Thanks onpt. So the varchar joint seems to be only marginally less efficient, no ?

    Is JOINT using varchar columns less efficient ?

    As I build my SQL Server 2005 database model, I was criticized for using varchar columns to do a SQL joint instead of integer identity columns (that I should create for this purpose only). I planned to do : SELECT * FROM TABLE1,TABLE2 WHERE TABLE1.string = TABLE2.string (TABLE1.string and...
  10. PROPAR

    Hiding SQL database structural design to developpers

    I can't master the "WITH EXECUTE AS=" instruction. Hereby is the situation : I autorized SELECT, INSERT, DELETE... on <dbo.MyTable> for the user <builder>. And I revoked those same rights for the user <application>. I autorized execution on the stored proc <ReadMyTable> for <application> and...
  11. PROPAR

    Hiding SQL database structural design to developpers

    Hello, I'd like to hide database design to developpers and allow access to data only by a set of stored procs. I want to avoid direct "SELECT * FROM" by the apps code. In fact, I don't care about coders knowing the database structure, only not allow them to code by bypassing my interface...
  12. PROPAR

    Referencing variables in OLEDB description in SSIS Connection Manager

    I'd like to use variables in my OLEDB description of my SSIS package connection. How can I name my @[User::BASE] and @[User::SERVER] variables in the "Initial Catalog" and "Data Source" respectively in my Connection Manager window when I build my connection ? What is the correct way to...
  13. PROPAR

    Exec size varies

    I have to answer questions about compiled exec size and specifically why the compiled size varies from day to day as source code doesn't. People from the UNIX world have trouble accepting the fact that a different exec size doesn't mean that exec capacity is different, and that Windows exec size...
  14. PROPAR

    Generic DTS package

    Hello, I need to transfer 312 files into as many tables in an SQL 2000 database. Each file is a set of lines with a semi-colon separated columns, and have to be transferred in a table named after the file. Each file have a different number of fields, each resulting in a table column. I build a...
  15. PROPAR

    Building tables from bulk inserting files

    Thank you for the the lead ! DTS is great and I managed to do it for one file at a time. The problem is I got 312 file with different number of columns. Is there a way to do the trick without creating 312 different DTS packages ? The core of the DTS run is when I'm asked to specify the...
  16. PROPAR

    Building tables from bulk inserting files

    Hello, I need to read files into "SQL Server 2000" tables. What I have is a set of files, with a different number of fields in each line (but the same number for a given file), and I want for each file a table with fields files into rows and columns. And I would like not to bother to describe...
  17. PROPAR

    Different exec result between DOS window or in _spawnlp app

    Yes, I missed a parameter in my above example of the _spawnlp call. However, my _spawnlp call is well written and doubled the exec name. I think the trick may be in the std::locale of my iostream opening. Can the locale be different between DOS and the API call, if the file is opened in text mode ?
  18. PROPAR

    Different exec result between DOS window or in _spawnlp app

    I compiled an WinMain CalcCRC.exe which produces a 4 digit check-sum of a file (exe : CalcCRC.exe myfile.txt). When executed in DOS window(i.e. C:>CalcCRC.exe myfile.txt), my exec computes a different result that the one produced when executed with an _spawnlp("CalcCRC.exec","myfile.txt", NULL)...
  19. PROPAR

    Hide DOS window when exec-ing a command

    Hello, When I launch an exec file with a VC6 spawn call, I get a DOS window. For example : _spawnlp(_P_WAIT, ".\my_exec.exe", "my_arg0", "m_arg1", NULL) pops briefly an ugly DOS window while executing. How can iconify or hide the popping DOS window (I want a silent synchronous execution of...
  20. PROPAR

    Multiboot Windows : hide &quot;other&quot; system partition

    I was indeed surprised that executing something that was not an EXE popped up a system managing window... A whole new world is now opened for me. I'm going to wander in the world of adminsitrators. Anyway thank you both for your clues.

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