I am trying to print an invoice on a continous paper roll.
My problem is I can't dfine page length as "free" or somethig like that.
I can only select from fixed page sizes and the printout is some 3 meters long.
Any ideas on how to print in this conditions?
Thank you,
I need to send data to some devices, each using different communication protocol.
I'm thinking to build different DLL for each device, each having the same entry point/call function;
let's say SendData().
Thus I can have a unique user interface and send the data collected to the local...
Wow, great solution. I will Make It So :)))
Folder monitoring is in the background indeed.
I can't afford, however, 5000 USD but I hope the free version works fine.
Thank you,
I need to develop a solution for handling random events: random complexity (size of data to be processed) and
random time.
I prospect two solutions:
- A monitoring system wich will initate different threads for each event
- A monitoring system wich will launch different instances...
I need some sort of simple, non SQL based tables to be used temporary in a C# App.
I just need to create them (with 3 or 4 fields), populate them from a text file, have some statistics
based on some index field and then discard them.
Is there such a mechanism ?
Thank you,
Well, thank you, I was pretty confused about identities, now I am really confused [bigsmile]
I do use identity columns; basically I have three tables:
- Products with idProduct identity
- Documents with idDocument identity
- Rows with idRow identity AND related into Products and Documents...
Thank you all for help,
I still don't know how replication handles Identities and relation between tables based on that but I'll build a test database and see how it works.
Thank you again,
I've searched for "replication" and there's a lot of topics; however I could not find an answer for my question,
perhaps is too basic and obvious.Z
So, is replication application-transparent? I mean, if I have an app. using data from a local MSDE database (running on some remote...
Sorry for the lack of information but I really belive are of no interest for the idea.
HID is standardised and there seemd to be a Hid.Dll havin some Write and Read methods and THESE are the methods I am interested in (actually your experience with that).
A customer diaplay shows some messaes...
- yes, there's a VFP application sending that data
- the device has no drivers but it complies with HID specs
- ASCII strings are to be sent to the device
thank you
I need to send data to a HID customer display connected via USB.
Any idea on how to do it? I've found no specs on the DLL and functions to do that.
Thank you,
I would like to use the native Touch keyboard on a touch-screen computer running win8.1 whenever I setfocus to a textbox.
i.e. whenever that textbox gets the focus I would like touch keyboard automatically popup and then dissapear
on LostFocus, without pressing the keyb icon.
I return to my previous post: the scroll bars of the combobox DO resize, the difference
between programatic change and manual one is
- in the manual mode the combobox shows wider DropDown arrow while
- in programatic mode the DropDown arrow remains in it's initial state.
But the...
Hi Vilhelm,
Thank you for valuable info,
However, using that code for ScrollBars changes size for form's scroll bars
not for a combo-box used inside the form.
The funny part though is if using system config (Control Panel->Personalization...)
it resizes all the scroll bar, combobox included...
Nope, it doesn't work :(
I have this numeric text box with '999999' format.
At run-time it shows '0' and if I click JUST BEFORE or JUST AFTER the 0
it will only allow one char to enter. If I click inside the textbos somewhere on
the left side it will work as intended.
I must say I have no...
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