Thank you for the contribution. I suppose the code is tested and I can just use it.
Below is the getstock($sym) code. I think make a call to get all stocks at once will create too much delay that looks stalled.
$d = date('j'); //day of month 1-31
$m = date('n'); //month 1-12
$y =...
The synchronize version works. See http://dbno.us/finance/ajindex2.php?index=dji
function loadXMLDoc(url,r)
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
{// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
{// code for IE6, IE5
The following code doesn't replace the ? with data when running using call back function. But works when not using call back function. I would prefer not to use synchronize mode to avoid looking stalled when waiting. Can you help?
URL: http://dbno.us/finance/ajindex.php?index=dji
How do you get stock quote from the client side (javascript)?
Here is the PHP (server side) version
$file = fopen("http://finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s=IBM&f=noc1&ex=.csv", "r");
$stocks = fgetcsv($file);
I am not sure you can include a remote php file. It would be a security issue if you can.
I just found the answer I was looking for.
$exurl ='http://ticketeddy.com/test/B.php';
if (!($contents = file_get_contents($exurl))) {
echo 'Could not open remote URL.';
else {
I have a simple question which I do not know the answer.
I have two programs: A.php and B.php.
From within A.php I call B.php.
B.php will return a random number.
A.php will then write that random number into a file.
My trouble is in passing the random number back into A.php.
I copied an example from the web, but I can't get it to work.
Here is the code.
function CheckForm ()
// ** START **
if (document.ClientInfo.x_terms_conditions != "agreed") {
alert( "Please read the Terms and Conditions and agree to it." );
return false;
return true ;
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