I posted this on the Linux section but after doing some search on the forum I find this section more appropriate, sorry!
Hey all,
We need to setup a squid-proxy for a hotel, and we need to do some automation on the users administration. For this we have created a solution based on a bash...
Here's the original code without real names (privacy ;) )
desc samid fn ln acctexpires disabled
Dip XIII soc IBM temp.lastname Firstname Lastname 06/11/2009 no...
It works but with a little issue: every space is replaced by comma.
I have this example
desc samid fn ln acctexpires disabled
Dip IBM temp.lastname John Doe 06/11/2009 no
Cosmopol temp.lastname2 Claire Madarena 14/12/2009 no
Is it possible to trasform...
Hi all,
I'm trying to figure out what would a basic awk command to create a csv file out of a very basic (but very large) txt file.
Txt file is formated like
desc samid fn ln acctexpires disabled
description user name lastname never yes
and I need this in normal csv...
Ok the problem was the csv file...
I copied the content and pasted in another file.csv and the thing worked like a charm...
I know I'm busting your nuts but could you explain me the code?
Your script works fine on the example I gave to you but not on my original csv file.
So there's a problem with the original csv file... It's really long, we're talking about 5000 rows...could it be the reason?
mmmh I this command:
sort -t , 25_26_10_2009.csv | awk -F, 'l==$1{print"\t",$3;next}{l=$1}1'
I have no output whatsoever
is \t the variable you're using to select rows? Shoud I replace it?
Thanks for your help...
Wow thx for ur reply...two things:
1. The connections are already summoned in the original csv file as I said in first thread:
Here's a piece of the csv after I did the sort -t s
I need to parse a big CSV file that has some issues
It contains list of users of a network as it follows:
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