Jerome tried yours, got the year but not the month and day. jimbOne, I enter this date into the field. 01/12/03, now we are in January 2004 I would like the year to now reflect 04, so it would now read 01/12/04. I'm just trying to prevent from having to enter the new year for 30 or more...
The field is a Date/Time field. When there is a new hire their date of hire is entered into the Date Field. A year from that date an evaluation is due, we are a 24hr., 7 days a week police department, so weekends and holidays do not matter. I want to build a report, so that in the last week...
I have a database to track employee evaluations on a year to year basis. The month and day are always the same, however, the year changes, or should hence this is where the problem lies. For instance in December 2003, I would like to send out a letter to all supervisors stating what...
I have a form that I am using and in the On Current Event I have it looking for and loading any photographs as the example shows below. I'm also trying to make a command button visible if a certain criteria is met. Is it possible to load more than one event in the On Current portion. Any help...
Sorry for the late reply, but, we are having our office roof re-done, so we've lost power. I am using my laptop and just tried your suggestion and it works fine, thank you.
I have a field labeled BirthDate on a Form labeled frm_Clients. Next to the Birthdate field is an unbound boxed labeled Age with the following in the Control Source: =Age([BirthDate]). Now to my problem. I also have and unbound box titled: Status, with the following in the Control Source...
I think my example is not clear, what I'm looking for is Assembly St and Elmwood Ave = 5
or it could say
Elmwood Ave and Assembly St = 5
The chart will show something like below:
Assembly St & Elmwood Ave ------------ 5
Park St & Main St -------------------- 4
Elmwood Ave & Sumter St...
I am working on an accident program where the streets can be entered as A and B or as B and A, (beyond my control comes from accident investigators), I have the query working up to this point to count them, however, they are now listed twice, please help one more time with this ever present...
I've tried UNION and the results are the same, the data is in there more than once if and only if there has been more than one accident at that location within the given month, other than that the data is different. I will keep playing with your query as your solution is the closest I have ever...
Narrow removed all until I have the below query, but still showing duplicates, all other eliminations seems to create problems.
SELECT [BaseStreet] AS street1, [TowardStreet] AS street2, [Date], [MidBlock]
FROM accidents;
UNION ALL select TowardStreet, BaseStreet, Date, MidBlock
from accidents...
I've figure out the date portion and the query works as you described which again I greatly appreciate, however, if repeats twice, the numbers are accurate though.
Main St and Center St now says 5
as does
Center St and Main St
Is there a way to remove the second occurance, any additional...
Thank you so very much this seems to be the solution I have developed a headache over searching for. Is there a way to add the date field from my table accidents so that I can narrow the search by months and quarters. Again, Thank You.
Can I use a query to count how many times a set of streets appear in a database.
Main Street and Center Street = 4
Center Street and Main Street = 1
These are the same so I would like the count to be 5, but I can't get this to work.
My Table is Accidents with the below fields
I am working on an Accident Collision Program, which requires tracking accidents that occur in an intersection as well as those that occur between two streets in other words Mid Block Accidents. I have three streets, Base Street, Collision Street and Toward Street when I run a query to count...
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