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Search results for query: *

  1. mikeadmin

    Passing a Paramater

    I think I am getting closer. When I execute the page I get this error message: Cannot find CFML template for module sendTransferTicketVoidedNotification.cfm?TransferTicketID=2439 However it works if I manual type the link in...
  2. mikeadmin

    Passing a Paramater

    Hi Tleish, Are you defining the transferticket at 100? <CFSET TransferTicket.TransferTicketID = 100> Might help if I tell you alittle more. I user will enter item # from another page which sends to the page i'm working on. It sends the input and names it &quot;ItemIDList&quot;. The current...
  3. mikeadmin

    Passing a Paramater

    Thanks Tleish, I wont be back in the office until the 12/31 so I'll let you know how it works out. Thanks
  4. mikeadmin

    Passing a Paramater

    Still no luck, can I create individual paths : eg. logical Path \programmermapDirectory Path c:\pdc\pdc\admin\programmer FOR THIS <CFINCLUDE TEMPLATE=&quot;/programmermap/sendTransferTicket ReissuedNotification.cfm? TransferTicketID=#TransferTicket.TransferTicketID#&quot;>
  5. mikeadmin

    Passing a Paramater

    Hi Sylvano, Thanks for the advice but that didnt work. I even tried pointing directly to file to no success. Mike
  6. mikeadmin

    Passing a Paramater

    Hi, I am unable to pass a parameter : #TransferTicket.TransferTicketID# to a another cfm page. I am able to see the output: <CFOUTPUT> Testing the ticket #TransferTicket.TransferTicketID#</CFOUTPUT> This works so I know that the parameter is correct. I get a the following error: Template file...
  7. mikeadmin


    Hi, Thanks for your help but still no working. I use IIS and it points to my files on C:\PDC. All my other files work fine with the mapping I have now listed above. When I start changing this thats when the other pages no longer work. Should I just add another mapping? Here is the source code...
  8. mikeadmin


    Can anyone help me set up my mapping section in CF Admin. This is what I have now: Logical Path Directory Path c:\PDC Thanks, here is the error. Error Diagnostic Information Template file not found. HTTP/1.0 404 Object Not Found Note: If you wish to use an absolute template path (e.g...
  9. mikeadmin

    Server Crashes

    Thanks tleish, your right on as usual. :)
  10. mikeadmin

    Server Crashes

    Can someone have a look at my code to see why it may crash my server everytime I run it. The other pages work fine. NT4.0 IIS.4.0 CFServer4.0 Thanks <!--- findlot.cfm ---> <!--- enforce security ---> <CFSET #Privelige#=&quot;Claim&quot;> <CFINCLUDE TEMPLATE=&quot;/PDC/openContent.cfm&quot;>...
  11. mikeadmin


    Disregard, I finally received email. Thank You Very Much! Mike
  12. mikeadmin


    OK, the CFMAIL QUERY you gave me executed fine but I still am not receiving email. I checked all folders in C:\CFUSION\MAIL including undeliv. No sign of it. I checked the logs too looking for a error message and there aren't any. Mike
  13. mikeadmin


    Tleish, I tried the query method but it wouldnt work for me. Also, it appears that this method works: <!--- send the email ---> <CFMAIL SUBJECT=&quot;Voided Lot #LotID#&quot; TO=&quot;#QuotedValueList(EMailAddresses.EMailAddress)#&quot; FROM=&quot;#ProgrammerEMailAddress#&quot;> Lot #LotID# was...
  14. mikeadmin


    Thanks! I wont be in the office until monday but I'll let you know how it works out. Happy Thanksgiving Mike
  15. mikeadmin


    I think that might have worked. I havent received a email yet from a test void I set up. It should be sent to my yahoo address. I checked the undeliverable folder and error log and it appears to be ok. Does this cfmail look ok? <!--- send the email ---> <CFMAIL SUBJECT=&quot;Voided Lot...
  16. mikeadmin


    There is no email address field in the lot table. I inherieted this site alittle while ago. What I need to do is once a lot is voided, send a email to the person who created the lot. Telling them the lot was voided.
  17. mikeadmin


    tleis h, Should I be changing the to: line in the send mail section?
  18. mikeadmin


    Tleish I tried what you said, didnt work. Here is the error: ODBC Error Code = S0022 (Column not found) [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Invalid column name 'EMailAddress'
  19. mikeadmin


    Also, Lot ID data type INT and length 4 Email data is varchar and length is 255
  20. mikeadmin


    tleish, the value for email is Kenn.Stephenson@po.state.ct' and LotID is 3 digits

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