Can someone please help me change the following script here is what I would like to accomplish:
I would like to include all sub directories. And I would like have a total of 3 file extenstions. Please help.
Here is the script:
'************ Start of Code **********************
This is what I have so far...
Dim fso, startFolder, OlderThanDate
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
startFolder = "C:\test\"
OlderThanDate = DateAdd("d", -90, Date) ' 90 days (adjust as necessary)
DeleteOldFiles startFolder, OlderThanDate
Path =M:\
Delete *.bak,*.ndx and *.idx files that are 90 days or older
Move the files and folders not deleted to \\CLI-Arch
Path= M:\Job Que
Data in this directory that is 90days or older will be deleted.
Path = P:\Laser Output
Data in this directory that is 90days or older will be deleted...
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