Yes this is a very strange request, but the client wants the an amount to be added to the invoice and then have the new amount added to the payment schedule in even payments.
Thanks for the reply but this error occurs even if i don't set the fields;
Updated Code:
public bool SavePaymentSchedule(List<ARInvoicePaymentSchedule> payments)
// Compose
... Same as before
// Read
... Same as before...
Thanks again for all your help, but now I've hit another problem and hope you can shed some light on it.
The error message;
Invalid input. The document discount amount does not match the payment schedule discount amount.
Heres the new code;
public bool...
Thanks for your input, I am not receiving any errors right now.
But there is still a problem, the records I am inserting are not being persisted to the database. I am calling POST on the Batch, Header and Payment Schedule Details but nothing is actually being saved.
Here is the new...
So now i am composing my views, but i am getting a new error.
Invoice Payment Schedule.
Record not found.
Here is my code now.
ARInvoicePaymentSchedule is a struct i have built to mimic a AR Invoice Payment Schedule
public bool...
Hello All,
I am attempting to build a plugin that will modify the payment schedule of an AR Invoice. I am having an issue when i am attempting to insert the records into the system using the XAPI.
Here is a sample of my code;
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