This solved the problem. I knew it was a syntax issue. Thanks much guitarzan, and also dm4ever, and anyone else that took the time to look at this and help a noob out...
Set colProcesses = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
("SELECT * FROM Win32_Process WHERE Name = '" & strLine & "'")
So I've gotten this far, still having an issue with line 68. Any thoughts?!?
(68, 5) SWbemObjectSet: Invalid query
I've verified that it is parsing the lines from a file into an array, its just around the WMI query and the count statement. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! :)...
I need to parse a list of processes in a text file to run the check, and spit out a non zero exit code if any of the processes listed in the text file are running. Can be a csv file too, though am assuming a .ini with a process listed on each line would be easiest. Any help is greatly...
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