Many thanks luckieluc. The errors you are getting are at least similar to mine, so there is some consistency. I do have fantom.dll, it's part of the driver package that was installed with the Lego software that comes with the NXT.
I will keep trying and let you know how I get on.
In the...
I've been trying lots of different options and am now at least getting some consistency in error messages, namely:
"[Linker Error] Unresolved external 'nFANTOM100::iNXT::createNXTIterator(unsigned short, unsigned long, nFANTOM100::tStatus&)' referenced from C:\NXT\NXTPP\BCBTEST\UNIT1.OBJ"
Thanks for your help. I tried step-by step what you did but still getting "Unresolved external" linker errors for the NXT::Open, NXT::Sensor::SetTouch, functions etc.
A few more points/queries
* Did you get a 'Unknown Platform" error like I did, I got around it by deleting all references to...
I’ll start by pointing out I’m very much a self-taught hobbyist programmer, never having had a need to create a library. I also haven’t used Builder for about two years so please bear with me if my questions seem ignorant or even stupid.
I want to use the NXT++ library found here...
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