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  • Users: sflau
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  1. sflau

    SHELL Error Code

    It works. Thank you so much.
  2. sflau

    SHELL Error Code

    Here is the further information: Actually, I run the following coding: strCmd = "runsth.exe" lngExecOK = Shell(strCmd) lProcessHandle = OpenProcess(&H100000, True, lngExecOK) lReturnValue = WaitForSingleObject(lProcessHandle, 10000) CloseHandle lProcessHandle I want to...
  3. sflau

    SHELL Error Code

    I am using VB 6.0 and calling the SHELL function: SHELL(runsth.exe) But I am not sure whether the program "runsth.exe" will have retunr code. Because I want to know if the process "runsth.exe" failed, will it returns error or not. Any one can tell me how to capture the...
  4. sflau

    VB / Datareport / Watermark

    I want to print a watermark in the datareport, which is as big as A4 size. So that I think I needs to do it with the printer object, instead of datareport. But I can't find it, please help.
  5. sflau

    Excel Can't quit?

    I am using VB 6.0 to control Excel for to do some thing, and then save as a new file. But I find that the excel application is still holding the excel, although I already quit it. Would anyone help me, please? Here is my coding: -------------------------------------------------------- Dim...
  6. sflau

    Check LPT1

    I am using VB 6, can any one tell me, how to check whether the LPT1 is connected to a printer? Actually, I don't install any driver, so that I just put the content to LPT1, but if the LPT1 is not connected to the printer, the program will hang~~~ Please help.
  7. sflau

    Close a Process

    I am using VB6, actually, I have such conditions: 1. I using VB6 to control a Word document to perform the following: "wordApp.Selection.Fields.Update" But since there is a lot of pages in Word document, so that it needs a long time to wait for a process: But, I want to set a rule...
  8. sflau

    Access - Outer Join

    I get it, thank you.
  9. sflau

    Access - Outer Join

    I am using Access 2000, but I find that I can't use "Full Outer Join", does Access 2000 suppoer Full Outer Join? But, in access, I can use left outer join / right outer join. Why? Here is my SQL statement, please help: select * from (select Field1, Field2 from Table1 where Field2 =...
  10. sflau

    To automate mail-merging in VB and saving of mail-merged document

    I am also use VB to control Word for mail merge. I agree with "TerraSamba". use "wrdApp.ActiveDocument", instead of "worddoc". And If you want to open WordApp every time: Set wrdApp = CreateObject("Word.Application") You need to close it when...
  11. sflau

    Word - Automation Error

    I am using WinME, with 512MB RAM, P4 1.7G CPU, 10G HardDisk (5G left). I am using a VB 6.0 Program to control Word2000 to insert many pictures (Around 16 pictures x 250 pages = 4000 pictures), and then, need to refresh before printing: So that I use the following code to "Select All...
  12. sflau

    File Size

    It works, thank you so much.
  13. sflau

    File Size

    I am using MS Access 2000. I find that the Access File size is too large, so that I delete some out of date records. But I find that the size is still the same as before. Can anyone tell me why? How to decrease the size after delete the unless records, please? Thank you.
  14. sflau

    SHELL (Dos Batch)

    Thank you.
  15. sflau

    Stored Procedure

    Can we create Stored Procedure in Access? I know that we can pass "parameters" to Access View, but can we use "IF, Then, Begin, Else ..etc"? Please help. Thank you.
  16. sflau

    SQL Statement Speed

    I am using SQL 7. And have questions for the speed of the following SQL statement: 1. Comparing "Select * from TableA Inner join TableB on TableA.Field1 = TableB.Field2" Vs "Select * from TableA, TableB Where TableA.Field1 = TableB.Field2" Which is faster? 2. Comparing...
  17. sflau

    Print Special Character

    I want to print special character (Not a, b, c, @, $, &), because all of them may be used by others. So that, I want to print out "F1", "F2"... or "Ctrl+something". But after checking the "Character Set", I don't know which one is "F1&quot...
  18. sflau

    Print Duplex

    Finally, I havn't tried the code sorry. I install two printers (drivers) for actual the same printer. One is for Single, another is for Duplex.
  19. sflau

    SHELL (Dos Batch)

    Finally, I use API as the following code: Public Declare Function WaitForSingleObject Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hHandle As Long, ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) As Long Public Declare Function OpenProcess Lib "kernel32" (ByVal fdwAccess As Long, ByVal fInherit As Boolean, ByVal...
  20. sflau

    e-mail with attachment automatically

    Thank you, I get it.

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