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Search results for query: *

  1. Sylvor

    Exchange server compromised!

    Hi everyone, Thanks for the responses, I have been looking into this more and now I'm almost certain one of my client machines has some spyware on it that is sending out this email. I have closed off SMTP outbound from any IP except my exchange box (had to set it on for other POP3/SMTP email)...
  2. Sylvor

    Exchange server compromised!

    Hi xmsre, I'm not so sure this is the whole story - I have been getting a lot of those ...@cia.gov / @fbi.gov messages, but they are simply being deleted as they are obviously junk / virus messages. Am I mis-understanding the messages in my queue in Exchange System Manager? I see messages in...
  3. Sylvor

    Exchange server compromised!

    Hi, I have a huge problem here (doesn't everyone?!) - I think my Exchange Server is being used to relay spam messages. I have been blocked by various spam filters (ie: SpamCop) and am having a nightmare trying to find out the source. In my SMTP message queues I can see lots of messages trying...
  4. Sylvor

    Trying to select oldest date where...

    Hiya all, I ended up using two formulas, the following: IF {SL_TRANSACTIONS.ST_UNALLOCATED} = 0.0 THEN {SL_TRANSACTIONS.ST_COPYCUST} ELSE "0" And then for the actual field I select the minimum: MINIMUM({SL_TRANSACTIONS.ST_DATE},{@frmOrderRef}) Thanks for your advice and inspiration!! David...
  5. Sylvor

    Trying to select oldest date where...

    Hiya Synapse, BB, Thanks for replying. Yes I am grouping by "Custno" - I am trying to display the oldest outstanding invoice for each customer. The report allows a user to select multiple custnos, and then displays the date of the oldest outstanding invoice for each custno selected. If I use...
  6. Sylvor

    Trying to select oldest date where...

    Hi, I have a simple little CR9 report which allows a user to enter customer numbers, the report then produces a list of those accounts and what outstanding invoices are on them. I have a formula field which should show the oldest outstanding invoice. It does not work, it shows the oldest...
  7. Sylvor

    Trigger problem

    Hiya DB, Thanks for the link, I already have the reg key that the final poster suggests, although to be honest I have no idea of the relevence of that key. I also have the DTC service running as I should have, I simply cannot understand the difference between running the query in QA and...
  8. Sylvor

    Trigger problem

    Hi anyone :) I have something interesting (annoying) going on with my trigger on SQL2K, I've noticed several threads on this in the past, but no resolution for the posters. I have a simple insert statement which puts a few fields into a table on a linked server. INSERT OPENQUERY(DBODBC...
  9. Sylvor

    Trigger Problem

    Bendall, You cannot view the content of a linked server table from Enterprise Manager, you must run a query either using the four-part name of the server or, as it's linked, use OPENQUERY. EG: SELECT OPENQUERY(linked_server_name, 'SELECT * FROM table_name') I appreciate this post is aeons...
  10. Sylvor

    INSERT using rowset_function_limited argument

    Hi, it's me again, Can anybody give me an example of an insert statement using the rowset_function_limited argument? BOL simply shows the INSERT syntax as... And has this to say about Rowset_function_limited Thanks! David Dave Bennett
  11. Sylvor

    OPENQUERY question

    Hi James, The database is called Advantage database, by Extended Systems. I haven't specifically tried much yet, I've been playing around but I cannot work out how to an insert INTO the linked database FROM the SQL database, using a pass-through query. If I try to do anything (even a select)...
  12. Sylvor

    OPENQUERY question

    Hi James, I do have the linked server set up, but due to differences in how the schema rowsets are returned between SQL Server and the linked servers OLE DB Provider, the four-part syntax is not supported. I have no choice but to use OPENQUERY. Any other ideas? Thanks! David Dave Bennett
  13. Sylvor

    OPENQUERY question

    It may be useful for me to show my trigger code CREATE TRIGGER HN_TRAN_STKMOVE ON STK_MOVEMENTS AFTER INSERT AS IF (SELECT sm_status FROM INSERTED) = 'O' RETURN -- Ignore stock movements out (O) IF (SELECT max(loc_usersort1) FROM stk_location INNER JOIN inserted on inserted.sm_location =...
  14. Sylvor

    OPENQUERY question

    Hi, I am trying to INSERT some data into a table on a linked server. To do this I am trying to use OPENQUERY / OPENROWSET. I can successfully select data from tables on the linked server, but I cannot get the syntax correct on the insert. (The data to insert resides on the MSSQL server and...
  15. Sylvor

    Inserting from MSSQL to AdvantageSQL

    Hi, I have a trigger, which runs on one of my MSSQL tables. It pulls out some data, which I want to then insert into another table; this table is on a separate (Extended Systems) Advantage SQL database. Currently I have the trigger working fine and inserting the data into a local temporary...
  16. Sylvor

    Simple question about index

    I've resolved this, I just made copies of the index page and named them home default.htm - No idea which one is being used but it doesn't matter, I also don't know why this is neccersary, the old site worked finr with index.htm. Pah Dave Bennett
  17. Sylvor

    Simple question about index

    Heya Dutch, Therein lies the problem - the index is called index.htm (www.neillerner.com) Any other ideas! D :) Dave Bennett
  18. Sylvor

    Simple question about index

    Hi, I have just uploaded a site and when I view the website url, I just get a list of all the files the site is made of, I do not actually see the index page. Why is this? What do I need to change? Thanks, D Dave Bennett
  19. Sylvor

    Cannot access XP shares over TS

    Hi, I have a simple domain in one office and a p2p network in a remote office. The two offices have some hardware creating a VPN between them. We are using TS from the remote office to run a couple of applications on the server at the main office. I have an XP user who needs to print to...
  20. Sylvor

    Formatting formula

    Hi, I want to format some text using a formula, I'm trying to make the text bold under certain conditions. It is easy enough in CR9 - I just go to format field and click on the formula button, then use the crBold function. However, I am trying to do this in CR7 and I do not know how - or even...

Part and Inventory Search
