Since I've installed Mozilla 1.0, I can exactly see what's going on when building a website.
So, I've a script voor publishing images, it works standard:
<img src="">
and the image.cfm works like:
<CFHEADER NAME="Content-Disposition"...
Can I see via LDAP wich user is logged on to wich pc in a Windows 2000 Domain(ADS)? I don't see any matching vars in the query for computer and user.....
I want to autenticate users via LDAP on a Novell server, this works correct, now users can login on the website and get their mail and so on, but.....
The users have an time restriction on their account in Novell, and this restriction works also in LDAP, and that is what I don't want. The...
This is the code:
<cfldap NAME="GetEntry"
I've read a lot about LDAP on this forum, and I've also tried a lot, but nothing works. When I'm trying to get a list of users, Coldfusion gives the error:"Invalid Credentials". And username="cn=administrator" password="secret" will not work. Can anyone help me?
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