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Search results for query: *

  1. SiMCard

    Storing Graphics

    Thanks tdatgod - first things first, I've checked the client's version (V2R5.1.2.16), so that's fine. I must get an updated copy of the manual, also. Interesting pseudo code mix B-) and I'll be using VB - but it makes sense. Thanks again Si M...
  2. SiMCard

    Storing Graphics

    Er... Thanks - but the manual I've got (V2R5.0) only references BLOB as a V2R5 reserved word - the next page after VARBYTE is the next Chapter on Default Value Control Phrases. Hmmm... Looks like an update is required... I'll go have a shufti round the Teradata site. Cheers, though Si M...
  3. SiMCard

    Storing Graphics

    My client wants to have a table holding a Customer Number and a scanned copy of that Customer's signature. It is planned to maintain this through an Access front-end (hmmm...). I've trawled the V2R5 documentation and can find nothing specific regarding file storage other than the BYTE and...
  4. SiMCard

    Setting up a window to find the "first value"

    Assuming that you only want the first value in your answer set, RANK can be used as follows: SELECT Col1 ,Col2 ,Col3 FROM Table1 QUALIFY RANK (Col1 ,Col2) = 1 ; The RANK statement (that replaces the 'ORDER BY' statement) can use as many qualifying columns as you like (within normal...
  5. SiMCard

    Volatile table existence check

    Just use some error code trapping as follows: create volatile table testtab (Col1 integer ) primary index(col1) ; /* Does table already exist - 3803 error */ .IF ERRORCODE = 3803 THEN .GOTO CONT_LAB .IF ERRORCODE <> 0 THEN .QUIT ERRORCODE .LABEL CONT_LAB ... Hope this helps Si M...
  6. SiMCard

    concatenate character column

    Stored procedure or generated code (exported and then invoked) would do it. It's the classic 'can you cross-tab in Teradata?' question. The straight answer is no - but there are work arounds. Rog - you lifted that from my Stats Collection script generator! ;) Si M...
  7. SiMCard

    Phantom Spool

    Sorry - I cut and pasted the wrong query in - I have a couple next to each other in a reference sheet. The one for the SPOOL calculation, obviously, does include 'ALL'. I've not had an opportunity to test your questions / interrogation methods yet, but I hope to by the end of the week. SiM Card
  8. SiMCard

    Phantom Spool

    OK - I'll handle things in order... Unfortunately, there is very rarely time when no-one is logged on to the box (production machine in a retail environment) - I'll just have to monitor it, and try to catch it at the right time. No - I've never heard of this utility, I could certainly try it...
  9. SiMCard

    Inserting records into Teradata tables from flat file using Interagate

    Thx - you can also do this (with identical syntax) in Queryman. SiM Card
  10. SiMCard

    Phantom Spool

    Yes and, er, yes (well I've told every on-site NCR bod about it - none have got back to me yet). This happened at a previous site as well, and not just to me! It's not a major issue for running stuff - it is just a pain when my (self-built) monitoring tool has to be adjusted to show the true...
  11. SiMCard

    Phantom Spool

    Thx, but I didn't quite explain myself properly - the problem I'm having is with CURRENTSPOOL - it is showing as the amounts given above, even when I (and no-one else, I checked!) have no sessions running. Is there a DBC macro that does this? SiM Card
  12. SiMCard

    Phantom Spool

    I have a couple of big runs that rack up to near my MAXSPOOL (150Gb). Whenever I run these, DBC.ALLSPACE continues to report me as using spool (amount varies - 70Mb - 12Gb), even when all my sessions have ended. The only way I've found of correcting this is to bounce my UserID. Does anyone know...
  13. SiMCard

    Selecting Some Rows

    Use the SAMPLE command - it has 2 forms: Using an INTEGER for the SAMPLE value will return that number of rows, so the following returns 100 rows: SEL * FROM <table> SAMPLE 100; Using a decimal fraction for the SAMPLE value will return that fraction of the total number of rows, so the...
  14. SiMCard

    Error 3132 after Multiload

    Got the following after a Multiload (which succesfully loaded the target table)... Error 3132: Audit Logging step failed. The transaction was aborted. Can anyone enlighten me as to what may have caused this, and, as the ML was successful, what the consequences of the error are? Help...
  15. SiMCard


    A way to do it: /* Populate NEW table (empty copy of OLD_TABLE) */ INSERT INTO NEW_TABLE SELECT <new_data> ; /* Use MSR to merge the OLD and NEW Tables */ INSERT INTO MIRROR_TABLE SELECT * FROM NEW_TABLE ;INSERT INTO MIRROR_TABLE SELECT * FROM OLD_TABLE ; Then either: DROP TABLE OLD_TABLE...
  16. SiMCard

    'FORMAT' clause on index column &amp; hashing

    Thanks - I'll answer your points in order: It's going into an empty multiset table. This is force of habit after working on a VA project with *huge* tables! We're using V2R4, and there are times I'm still using 1=1 in an olde-school style in some places to get the machine to behave. The...
  17. SiMCard

    'FORMAT' clause on index column &amp; hashing

    I've recently had an 'issue' with the follwoing: ~320m row table, UPI A, B, C where A, B and C are all INTEGER. Each of these cols has a &quot;FORMAT '9(n)'&quot; clause (where 'n' differs). I am selecting from this table, joined to a table (8 rows, UPI 'B') on index 'B' which is defined...

Part and Inventory Search
