Thanks for the help.
After setting the default route correctly I also had to change the servers default DNS I previously had it set to the asa IP assuming it would route through after setting it to the address directly along with the route it is all working fine.
Thanks again
Ignore the first config .... this is the one i meant to paste Doh!
Result of the command: "show running-config"
: Saved
ASA Version 8.0(4)
hostname ciscoasa
enable password ********* encrypted
passwd ********** encrypted
interface Vlan1
nameif inside
security-level 100
The Linksys and everything up from that is essentially just for the testing phase ... before the ASA and everything below eventually goes to a datacenter.
Result of the command: "show conn"
5 in use, 12 most used
TCP outside inside, idle 0:00:00, bytes...
My setup is as follows:
DSL Modem --->Linksys Rv082 --> [ASA 5505] ---> webserver
I have a fixed external IP and seem to have all the forwards working up to the ASA. However when i trt to connect to my external IP i see the following...
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