Thank you.
I only have one .db file as my database on my computer, so I don't have any other database source to choose.
And I couldn't find the command option you're talking about.
I need to extract out all rows that have 7777, no matter this number is in COL1 or COL2.
If a number apear more than once in the two columns, I need to see it.
Thank you for all your help......
Crystal Report Version
New to Crystal Report.
I wannna play around with a little SQL.
My 1st Question:
Why the following buttons in my menu are inactive,
1. Database-->Show SQL Query...
2. View-->Repository Explorer
3. View-->Field Explorer (no folder SQL Expression Fields)
Crystal Reports Version 10
Just started to learn CR. I don't know if i should use a formula, or do a group to solve the following problem. Please show me step by step. Appreciate it.
001 10 7777
002 9999 7777
003 7777 20
004 9999 30
005 40 9999
006 50...
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