np, here is the show ip a ru config
Cisco3640#show ip route
Codes: C - connected, S - static, I - IGRP, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP
D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area
N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2
E1 - OSPF...
I cannot http to the modem. THe problem is'nt the modem. Ive never had this problem when the modem is connected to my 2003 server running RRAS. I must be missing something in the router. Again, my router is recieving a PUBLIC dhcp address from my ISP. The modem is simply a bridge.
Its running in half duplex 10mbps, so i figured that was causing the collisons. And the 7 interface resets are from me resetting the device to get my internet back.
The Modem has no DHCP settings. I got it about 10 years ago and ive kept it because it needs no user settings and doesnt interfere with other devices. I can telnet to it, but it has very limit config settings. It has a small command prompt that basically says Bridge mode half duplex then its mac...
Hello all,
My cisco 3640 is connected to a DSL modem and is getting an IP address via DHCP. Ever since I got everything working it has been dropping the connection. That is, i'll come back a few hours later and none of the hosts can access the internet. It also dropped one time i was playing...
Ummm If I attach a computer directly to the modem it will give the host the public dhcp address...Its just a old simple apeedstream dsl modem, no NAT involved. I took the public network off RIP, thank you!
I have a dafault route set on the 2620 to IP and the 3640 is automatically...
if i do a show ip route on the 3640 it does show a gateway of last resort being the ip address it gets from dhcp on fo.....the problem is the ip address is dhcp so i have no way of assigning a default route right?
Hello all, once again I've managed to hit a road block and this is gonna be a pain to explain.
I just added a Cisco 3640 to my home lab and now I'm trying to get my lab on the internet for test purposes. But I seem to be having problems getting everything working properly. Hers the setup ...
i read the same thing before but somewhere learned that that rule only applies to a certain ios above 12.1 ....i cant use the native command either ..
ill try it when i get home and see what happens
Thanks Dallas...
Although Something must be wrong. See, this is the reason they say you need parctice on real equipment :P
I set the duplex settings on both devices. But when I checked the Utilization on the switch I noticed the lights went green all the way to the end at port 17 then...
Hello all,
I've got my Vlan working in my cisco lab but i noticed something weird when i was watching video on a host.
The trunk port on the cisco 2524 switch was blinking Green/Amber while I was watching the video...It does not blink amber any other time
I did an interface debug on the...
Ok ya'll I got it working and now all i need to know it why lol
I found out that the Default-gateway command i was using should no be used when using IP routing...I had to setup a gateway of last resort using Ip route
WHat exactly are the differences between the two...
I confirmed the routing table has routes to via Please look at the Debug IP below...
I tried the ping again and this is what it does: ping Notice it finds the ip.
PING ( 56 bytes if data
From (
First of all, thx for all the quick at work so im typing on my phone. the server is running RRAS with two network cards. the first is plugged into my dsl moden, and the second being connected to port two of the cisco 2524 switch.
port one is conneted to the 2600 router and is...
Ok...Ive got my Vlan setup and I'm having some issues. I've configured 3 VLans and they can all PING each other perfectly. I have a windows 03 server running DNS, DHCP and Routing/remote access. Problem is any host that is not in the same Vlan (2) as my server cant get to the internet, BUT they...
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