The workstations are spread out around the region, and not being done all at once.
I appreciate your thought of having this automated with a single click, but with our infrastructure, we need to be very controlled with this rollout.
Thanks again Mark, but it did not prompt for the workstation name, and it seems to always be a successful result.
I need to ONLY manually enter the workstation names.
I tried running your script Mark (and I do appreciate all the help you have given me), but I receive an error-
Object doesn't support this property or method: 'SetWSHNetwork'
We have a series of thinclients.
We have Non-embedded workstations and embedded XP (Wyse) terminals.
The non-embedded have nothing installed locally on those machines, but our Wyse machines launch an embedded XP OS which have individual configurations. We'll need to update certain wyse machines...
By combining both versions of the script, it worked!
Set objFSO=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
strComputer = InputBox(" ComputerName to Copy File", "Computer Name")
If strComputer <> "" Then
objFSO.CopyFolder "\\hq-filestore\apps\storeforward\_branches\workstations\" &...
Hello everyone,
The extent of my VB Script knowledge is enough to butcher other people(s') scripts for my own use, and they're probably inefficient, but have worked.
Scenario -
300 workstations need a perconfigured ini file
*Here's the catch*
Each workstation has it's own INI file.
This is...
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