I have a shared variable that is a formula. It does not reference a database field in the formula. I heard that they added a new feature to Crystals Reports 2008 that allows the user to use saved data for parameters.
Will this allow the user to use a shared variable in record selection with...
No, I am using Crystal Report X1. I probably will call Business Objects to see if is possible to use record selection shared variables with saved data.
So using a stored procedure requires me to use sequel commands? I think this is the best option as using the suppression technique is not...
I appreciate you looking into this. I sat down with a Crystal Reports developer for 4 hours and we tried the section expert and the report was not processing properly. It would display results that were not equal to the parameter. The solution maybe is to write back to the database and since the...
Monthly forecast is a numbervar.
Monthly Forecast Formula is:
NumberVar Comparsion:= {@Sum Of Qty Shipped};
Shared numberVar Forecast_Days_Stock;
NumberVar ReturnVar;
if Comparsion <> 0 then
ReturnVar:=(Forecast_Days_Stock / Sum ({@Qty Shipped Avg}) * 30) else
The formula is as follows:
DateVar ReturnDate;
if {@Monthly Forecast}=-1 then ReturnDate:= Date (2099,12 ,31 );
if {@Monthly Forecast} <> -1 then
(Shared dateTimeVar Shared_Out_of_Stock_Date :=CurrentDateTime + {@Monthly Forecast} ;
ReturnDate:=Date( CurrentDateTime + {@Monthly Forecast}))...
I should have issued instructions to download the file. Sorry about that. If you want to save the file.
Click the link<Free User<Advanced Download
Settings<Download<Save File
The download is available under Free User. The File type does not show anything until it is saved on your computer...
I have tried everything under the sun to add this calculated shared date var as a user input parameter without any success. Do I have to use a sequel command or stored procedure to make this work? I think this could be beyond the capability of Crystal Reports since Crystals does not write...
Thanks. The shared date Variable is ReturnDate. The subreport and main report is Out of Stock Date, which I link using the subreport links. How do I create the parameter in the subreport equal or less than the user parameter date. I have tried to create the parameter under formulas:
I have a shared variable DateVar called ReturnDate in a subreport called Shipped Qty. This is an inventory forecasting report and the return date is the Out of Stock date. I would like to add this as a user input parameter. So someone puts in 7/31/09 and the report would show all items that have...
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