Thanks so much. I'm going to try and have the user enter the two dates in the cells and then convert the data to 'number' format in the parameter cells. Do you think the easiest way to do this is a function or paste special?
Of course when i do this because of how the date is treated...
Thanks. Here is the code I have:
SELECT DailyDeposit.PrimarySiteId, convert(date,DailyDeposit.ClosingDate,110) AS 'Deposit Date', '$'+convert(varchar,DailyDeposit.DepositAmount,1) AS 'Deposit Amount'
FROM SupportDB.dbo.DailyDeposit DailyDeposit
WHERE (DailyDeposit.ClosingDate>=? And...
Thanks for your suggestion. The article is very helpful. I think I wasn't clear on what happens. Once I change the format from number to 'date' on the cell, it stops working. My format of both cells is now 'date' and the text entered in each cell has format of 2/16/2011. This is because I chose...
Thank you! Yes the convert worked great.
One more issue:
I'm using parameters based on two cell addresses so that the data displayed in the query is a range from a beginning date until ending date. Currently the two cells where the user enters a date are 'number' format. I'm trying to make...
Thank you so much! It works great now using the 'convert' function. One more question, how can I format the dollar amount field so that instead of 322 I would see $322.00.
I'm still working on this. Thanks again for all of your help ahead of time.
Yes I read your link on 'FAQ a complete guide to dates'. I did not see anywhere on the link about formatting dates coming from 'ms query'.
Someone else suggested I 'drag the data out then use format cells'. How could...
When I use 'to_char' I get the error 'to_char is not a recognized built-in function name. statement could not be prepared.'
Maybe it's because it's not an oracle db, it's a sql db? Thanks!
Here is what I have currently:
SELECT DailyDeposit.PrimarySiteId, format(DailyDeposit.ClosingDate,"mm-dd-yyyy"), DailyDeposit.DepositAmount
FROM SupportDB.dbo.DailyDeposit DailyDeposit
WHERE (format(DailyDeposit.ClosingDate,"mm-dd-yyyy") >=? And format(DailyDeposit.ClosingDate,"mm-dd-yyyy")<=?)...
I have an excel spreadsheet and am getting data from my SQL database. In MS Query I have a query to get 3 fields from a database but need it to look better.
When I try and use the 'format' next to date field, it gives me an error about 'does not recognize format command'.
Do I add the...
I can't figure out what the 'priority' field does. It appears in the Project Information box and also in 'task information' box. Anyone ever changed the default of 500 to something else for a particular reason?
Thanks guys, all great suggestions! What we're going to do for this one is get another file from the customer that has street addresses as a separate field.
text to columns will help but won't give me complete street address for every row because the number of characters differ in each street address.Thanks!
Me again, here is the example below. The problem is that there are different cities in the data with different lengths......
123 oak street asheville nc 28222
I have in one cell street address, city, state zip and I need only the street address in a cell by itself. I have over 40,000 rows of data. Any ideas?
Because I was not thinking...duh! thanks so much! I just copied all the data at once but you know it did keep me occupied for awhile running the macro...hehe.
I have 500 rows of data with that I'm using 'paste special' to copy values only to new cells. I've created a macro using a toolbar button so that I don't have to use paste special command so many times. Is there an easier way to do this so that I'm not using the macro button 500 times?
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