Range parameters, by themselves, will never display.
Create a formula such as this, however, and your range will appear:
totext(minimum({?Dates})) + " to " + totext(maximum({?Dates}))
I've used evaluateafter when using related variables in the same section and want to calculate one variable after another is finished.
I still don't believe it is possible to accomplish what you want but am interested in the views of others.
You said the subreport was above the location you want the shared values to appear in the parent. Is the subreport in the same section as the formulas used to display the shared values?
If so, split the footer section and place the sub in footer a and the formulas in footer b
I don't believe you can get the results you are looking for in the page header. The last value on a page isn't known until the display occurs. Variables that use data as it is displays won't pass values up the page.
You can't evaluate the data before it is displayed because, again, Crystal...
Try this;
if {Command.error_Type} in ["first error ", "second error", "other error", "third error"] then crnavy
if {Command.error_Type} in ["total errors", "total successes"] then crteal
Works in my database. Good luck.
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