There really is no NAT to the mail server, it has it's own static IP, and connects to a hub/dumb switch that is connected directly to the cisco 1720. Mail, Web, Name Servers, & 2 Firewalls (for internal office machines & wifi customers) connect to hub. Hub connects to Cisco Router. Cisco Router...
No, no access lists that I know of. It's a Synoptics 2803 (which is supposed to be pretty "dumb", just has the ability to partition, check stats, etc.).
cisco#show config
Using 1173 out of 29688 bytes
version 12.0
service timestamps debug uptime
service timestamps log uptime
no service password-encryption
hostname cisco
enable secret 5 $1$N9tx$T5busU6fy8QfFDyqyu7kL0
enable password xxxxxxxx
memory-size iomem 25
ip subnet-zero
My mail server will not connect to
On my cisco router that interfaces with the T1, I can telnet to 25 without a problem (this is what the MX record points to).
On ANY machine beyond the cisco, it times out. My mail server is connected (through a switch)...
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