I was requested to program a form where people can apply for award. They need to be able to attach documents. I have never done it before. I was trying to find some kind of tutorial or sample code, but couldn't find anything. Could you someone please help me?
I am not even sure I can...
Hi mansii, I have a problem to implement code from FAQ. The problem occurs when I try to output url parameters. Because I need to resubmit form to keep search results when I sort, I use javascript submit() function. When I add #changeOrder('entrydate')# to it, it gives me Javascript syntax...
I have another problem. Now that my sort works perfectly, I was requested to make sure it sorts in both DESC and ASC orders. Does anybody know how to do it????
I got to the point when it displays only searched records, but sort gives me JavaScript error.
<a href="javascript:document.getElementById('passinfo').submit();&sort=feedbackregard">
I guess I cannot do it like this... but how do I add sort?
Hi cfSearching.
I am kind of lost here. I know how to submit form using link, but I don't know how to submit and sort using same link.
There is more than one column I need to be able to sort by. I was trying it, but it still displays all records and doesn't sort:-(
I need to be able to sort results by clicking on column header. I know how to do it, but the problem is it sorts all the results. I have a "search by" form. So the results I get come from that search form, depending what user is looking for. Then in the results I need to include sort by...
tlhawkins ...yes, on this count I am very good! Thank you very much for being patient with me and helping me.
Now I am wrestling to remove those <title> and </title>
I did find the way to remove <title> not sure if it's essential to remove </title>. Because I removed beginning tag, page title...
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