markros, you are right. I am in your debt, I should have done a double check of the entire code before posting.
Thanks a lot for the lesson not only on what you have show me but also to review the code for what can be the obvious
markros, I also try the following code with a different error message:
UPDATE dbo.tbl_hits
SET ButtonText = substring(AppName,1, LEN(AppName)-8) ,
appName='DCR Tool'
FROM dbo.tbl_hits
WHERE (appName LIKE 'DCR%')
Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 0
Ok,markros, I did try it as follows:
--App DCR Tool (CHAR 8)-4
DECLARE @varlen int
SELECT @varlen = len(appName) from dbo.tbl_hits
UPDATE dbo.tbl_hits
SET ButtonText = substring(AppName,1, LEN(AppName)-8) ,
appName='DCR Tool'
FROM dbo.tbl_hits
markros thanks but, I need to extract the contents off the the column "appName" which contains a variable length string as long as (70 CHAR) and then take the results of the LEN and do a SET to the column "buttonText" for the string that is in the column "appName" less 8 characters, afterwards...
Thank you all, based on what hmckillop show me I have created the following code that is closer to what I am trying to accomplish;
--App DCR Tool (CHAR 8)-4
DECLARE @varlen int
SELECT @varlen = len(appName) from dbo.tbl_hits
UPDATE dbo.tbl_hits
Thanks pwise and the same to you markros, but I still have a need to pass the results from a column to a variable, in that way I could manipulate the final out come such as:
@varLen=(column1 string length)
SET Colum2 = LEFT(column1,(@varLen -[a number])
I know this is feasible inside of...
Thanks pwise, I do not get an error but I DO NOT get a listing of all the columns only what appears to be the grand total of all rows:
(No column name)
1 117910
Expect results
(No column name)
1 7
2 9
I need to list and use the results from on each individual rows.
I get a different message, see below
Msg 512, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.
(1 row(s) affected)
It should had displayed 19,972
I try the new code see below but I am still getting the same results:
USE AdventureWorks;
DECLARE @EmpIDVar int;
SET @EmpIDVar = (SELECT LEN(FirstName)FROM Person.Contact)
SELECT @varLen
--FROM Person.Contact
Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 3
Must declare the scalar variable...
Thanks markros, I should add that I am using SQL Server 2005 here it is:
USE AdventureWorks;
DECLARE @EmpIDVar int;
SET @EmpIDVar = LEN(FirstName)
SELECT @varLen
FROM Person.Contact
Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 3
Must declare the scalar variable "@varLen".
I have try...
Help to a begginer
I am trying to pass the results of a SELECT LEN to a variable and then display the results of the variable, but I must have the code wrong as an example:
USE AdventureWorks;
DECLARE @varLen int
SET @varlen = SELECT LEN(FirstName)
SELECT @varLen
FROM Person.Contact
To those that wonder why I can not use T-SQL, is because I have column with 70 Charcters that needs to be parse into other columns with diffent type of delimiters and not all in the same order. I there are samples out there than can do it using T-SQL, that will be great.
Here are 2 examples, I...
Thanks to all for the prompt response. I did a google search on the topic but what I got back is "how to call store procedure" but not how to write the procedure in C# or Visual Basic. I can not use T-Sql due to limitations and I am stuck with the database design. Agin any help is welcome.
Can a store procedure be written in c# or Visual Basic using Visual Studio 2005 against a SQL Server 2005?
I need to do a column parsing into other columns within the same row, in a multirow table. I would like to know, if I can convert my code into store procedure. If its possible, are there...
I am trying to copy data from one table into another, the message that I receive is that is done. but data is not copied?? This is my proc:
---Drop procedure if it exist
IF (SELECT OBJECT_ID('dbo.hits_transfer','P')) IS NOT NULL - BEGIN
DROP PROC dbo.hits_transfer
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