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Search results for query: *

  1. dmlatham

    Upload file with CFFILE but with IIS security active

    GJ, I had to give you a star!!! I have been having these issues with <CFFILE> not uploading for the past week and could not find a solution. Your recommendation (set the user account in services) resolved my issue. Thank you so much!!!!!!
  2. dmlatham

    Retrieve User SMTP email address

    Is there any way to retrieve the user's SMTP address? I am able to retrieve the domain and username information from the environments variables. I hate to use the word but, can I <font size=+1><b>assume</b></font> that combining these 2 field would equal the email address of the user?
  3. dmlatham

    Action Query Closes Access when opened in Design View

    When I try to open an Microsoft Access 2000 Action Query in Design View, the entire application closes. The Action Query is a Make-Table Query that used Linked Tables. The queries is part of several queries that make a report. If you run the all the queries, the report is produced, we just...
  4. dmlatham

    ADO Trouble...Connection Closed?

    http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=KB;EN-US;Q235340& If you are using a stored procedure and it is returning results from a temporary table (a table prepositioned with a #) then you need to have the code &quot;set nocount on&quot; inside of your stored procedure. Deb
  5. dmlatham

    Access Running a Stored Procedure

    Thanks cmmrfrds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was the command timeout. I had already tried the connection timeout and it wasn't working for me. Again, thanks for all of your help and thanks to everyone for thier assistance. Deborah
  6. dmlatham

    Access Running a Stored Procedure

    Thanks for the info. I will try this out Monday morning (6/19/02 est) and post back the results. D
  7. dmlatham

    Access Running a Stored Procedure

    Thanks for all of the responses. I am using ADO code to call the stored procedure. Here is a sample of my code: Dim cmd As ADODB.Command Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset Dim strConnectString As String '------------------------------------------------------------ ' make a connection...
  8. dmlatham

    Access Running a Stored Procedure

    Good Day, I have a stored procedure (SQL Server 8) that runs for about 2-3 minutes. If I try to run the stored procedure using Access, I get a timeout error. Is there any way around this? All help is appreciated, Deborah
  9. dmlatham

    Summing Certain Values in a Report

    Thanks Kelly for the info. I have implemented the above code in a table for a column named PJ_FY1hours and it works fine. I just wanted to be able to do it directly on the form. If I apply the above code to a text box on the form it does not sum up the correct values. Again Thanks.. Deb
  10. dmlatham

    Summing Certain Values in a Report

    I am currently trying to create a report that only sums certain values. For instance (please note the totals with a * preceding), Trial Personal 6 Joint 4 Never Handled 8...
  11. dmlatham

    Using Text Box values in SQL Queries

    Terry, Thanks, the information you passed is what I was looking for. I tested it out and it works great. Deborah
  12. dmlatham

    Using Text Box values in SQL Queries

    Pezamystik, I have tried Terry's code and I think the problem is with the 'Null' part of the clause. If nothing is selected txtBranch is blank or &quot;&quot;. I have now set it to 'NULL', but I am getting no criteria returned. Is this right? I was thinking that I should get ALL of the...
  13. dmlatham

    Using Text Box values in SQL Queries

    Terry, Thanks for your reply. I tried your code and it works fine within VB but when I try to paste the same code in the criteria of the query in the 'query design view' it still does not return what I need. Do you know of a way that I can use the list box selection in the criteria of the...
  14. dmlatham

    Using Text Box values in SQL Queries

    Pezamystik, What do I do if there are no parameters to be passed. Can I use the same command, but somehow modify it? For example, the User has 6 choices. They can choose some, all or none. None would mean that there is no criteria for that field. How would I represent that using the above...
  15. dmlatham

    Using Text Box values in SQL Queries

    Pezamystik, The solution you provided worked perfectly. Thank you for not only providing a solution, but for also explaining why this is happening. Happy New Year, Deborah
  16. dmlatham

    Query is affecting other forms

    Lawerence, Which form is feeding C? A or B? Are all of these tables using the same record source? Deb
  17. dmlatham

    Query Criteria to run a report

    You may want to check your syntax. Is the exact name of your form &quot;Adopting Family - Update Form&quot; and is the EXACT name of the field you are trying to use &quot;Adoptive Family.afnumber&quot;? Maybe it should read FORMS![Adopting Family].[afnumber] If the field's name is afnumber...
  18. dmlatham

    Using Text Box values in SQL Queries

    Thanks for the info Braindead, but that seems to only work with the VBA. I was trying to make the query work using Access 2000 Query Design View. Any Ideas? Happy New Year, Deb
  19. dmlatham

    Using Text Box values in SQL Queries

    I am currently trying to run a query that will use values in a text box to filter. For example (taken from the SQL View of the Query Design): SELECT * FROM tbl01_CaseTimeDetail WHERE (((tbl01_CaseTimeDetail.attorney_branch) in ([Forms]![frm02_CaseTime]![txtBranch]))); Now here is the problem...
  20. dmlatham

    Selecting the first occurence of a rowset

    Actually, I just found that if I perform the same query that you gave me but used min(idtype) and captured that into a temp table, I can then perform your query and get the correct data. Thanks stsuing. Your help is appreciated.

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