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Search results for query: *

  1. ThatRickGuy

    Problem with Left/Right joins and OR

    Is there some type of inherent limitation on the use of OR boolean operators in the ON clause of Full/Left/Right Joins? I have a query that returning significantly less data (only one side of the join) when I use two clauses in the ON with an OR. Running the query with either one of the two...
  2. ThatRickGuy

    Passing and working with Arrays?

    Thanks Jim, that's probably what I'll wind up doing. Tom's has a lot of great info, but searching for Array info just kept bringing me back to Java and Array Binding (which would be horrendous for this!) Tharg, close. I have a tree view, that tree view has five levels. Each level is retrieved...
  3. ThatRickGuy

    Passing and working with Arrays?

    All of the parameters should be of the same type. The problem is the scaling... The user can select as many Modules, Forms, Groups, Assessments, etc... as there are available. In all of these cases, I have the PK for each entity (Module_ID, Form_ID, etc...) But the user has the ability to...
  4. ThatRickGuy

    Passing and working with Arrays?

    Hi Guys, I have an GUI with some highly specific search settings. The users can specifically select which elements they want to see (for instance, show me all of the data related to Elements 1, 2, 5 and 15.) The elements they are selecting are dynamic and change based on which set of data they...
  5. ThatRickGuy

    Odd server activity

    Hey Guys, I'm not a DBA, so this kind of stuff is way out of my realm of knowledge. We have a server that is running 3 seperate Oracle instances. Most of the time, everything is just fine, but every once and a while, the three instance will start taking turns pegging the processor. Average load...
  6. ThatRickGuy

    Classes, Anchors, and Divs?

    Doh, thanks, I figured I was just screwing up some simple syntax issue ;) -Rick VB.Net Forum forum796 forum855 ASP.NET Forum [monkey]I believe in killer coding ninja monkeys.[monkey]
  7. ThatRickGuy

    Classes, Anchors, and Divs?

    Hi Guys, I am toying with a third party app that I don't have a lot of access to, but I'm trying to adjust the CSS to improve the look/feel of my site. I can create CSS for the site, but some elements point to classes that I do not have access to change. Specifically, there are blocks that...
  8. ThatRickGuy

    Where field in (varchar?)

    I'm going to need a little description of what exactly that's doing. If I'm following it correctly, you are creating a table type collection with the values 1-5. Then you're checking to see if the value 1 is in the collection my_c, and writing 'success' to some output? If so, how do I get my...
  9. ThatRickGuy

    Where field in (varchar?)

    Hmm, the IN operator doesn't seem to like collections. I'm now getting "PL/SQL: ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected NUMBER got HTS.NUMBERARRAY_TYPE" Please don't tell me I have to set up a cursor to loop through a collection to get the values out. Please? MacGuyver is on re-runs and I'm...
  10. ThatRickGuy

    Where field in (varchar?)

    Nothing is ever easy though, at least not in Oracle land... So I added a nested table defenition to my header: CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE HTS.PAK_ASSESSMENT AS TYPE CURSOR_TYPE IS REF CURSOR; TYPE NUMBERARRAY_TYPE IS TABLE OF NUMBER; PROCEDURE usp_Select (p_results_cursor OUT CURSOR_TYPE...
  11. ThatRickGuy

    Where field in (varchar?)

    bah, Oracle has a way of making me sad. If it takes that much work, I'll just re-write the call to pass in a collection parameter. But this is oracle... it is possible to pass in some type of collection parameter... right? -Rick VB.Net Forum forum796 forum855 ASP.NET Forum [monkey]I...
  12. ThatRickGuy

    Where field in (varchar?)

    Hi Guys, I'm trying to pull a set of values out of a table. I have a list of primary keys in a coma delimited string. How can I use that string to retrieve the values I want? I tried the following, but I am getting an "ORA-01722: invalid number" error. The p_Assessment_IDs parameter contains...
  13. ThatRickGuy

    Is Numeric question

    That would be my expectation as well Sirius. -Rick VB.Net Forum forum796 forum855 ASP.NET Forum [monkey]I believe in killer coding ninja monkeys.[monkey]
  14. ThatRickGuy

    ImageList collection max item limit

    Oddly enough I have actually run into a few GDI memory limitations recently. I am generating a BMP of an audio signal from a WAV file that can be up to an hour long. Depending on the density of the graphing of the samples (ie: 1 pixel = 1 sample. 16000 samples = 1 second. 3600 seconds = 1 hour...
  15. ThatRickGuy

    VBB, VBA, VB.NET,... ???

    It's not quite a VM like Java... It is a compilation of managed code libraries and tools. When your app runs, it is compiled in native code. But that compile is done by the machine running the app as opposed to the IDE when you code it. -Rick VB.Net Forum forum796 forum855 ASP.NET Forum...
  16. ThatRickGuy

    Listview.items.clear() wont clear Damnit

    I seem to remember having that same problem back in 1.1. I think I wound up just iterating through the items collection and removing them one at a time. -Rick VB.Net Forum forum796 forum855 ASP.NET Forum [monkey]I believe in killer coding ninja monkeys.[monkey]
  17. ThatRickGuy

    Form Size

    I believe (not 100% positive) that it is based on your current resolution. So, you could bump up your resolution which would work for a while. Or you could try changing the size via code. I would take a guess that the size limitation is an issue with the way Visual Studio renders objects for the...
  18. ThatRickGuy

    VBB, VBA, VB.NET,... ???

    You should know though, that using a tool like thinstall will increase the size of your application significantly. The reason why your app is only 44k is because it is compiled to an intermediary language. That means that the .exe/.dll you create is still mostly just a text file. When the users...
  19. ThatRickGuy

    VBB, VBA, VB.NET,... ???

    All .Net applications require the target machine to have the appropriate version of .Net Installed. Just like Java. If you want to run a Java app, you have to have the JVM installed. -Rick VB.Net Forum forum796 forum855 ASP.NET Forum [monkey]I believe in killer coding ninja...
  20. ThatRickGuy

    VBB, VBA, VB.NET,... ???

    XP I believe comes with framework 1.0 included. XP SP2 includes 1.1 and I think 2.0. Vista I believe includes 1.1 and 2.0. (not positive on those) All versions are available through Windows Update or just direct download from MS for free. I think framework 1.0/1.1 was about 20 megs. I can't...

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