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Search results for query: *

  1. DrHeadgear

    msxml2 setAttribute date format bug

    JJR - the inbuilt data type date in xsd should be specified in gregorian format (year month day), according to W3 (see http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#dateTime) My attribute node has no xsd schema definition, there is no associated schema for the document. There is currently no date...
  2. DrHeadgear

    msxml2 setAttribute date format bug

    SORRY, vital info missing! The point was that using setAttribute gives a different result to using attribute.text=[variable]. setAttribute isn't reading the system locale settings to convert the date to a string, it's using default US settings. Chip H is right though, format explicitly, it's...
  3. DrHeadgear

    msxml2 setAttribute date format bug

    VB/VBScript Adding a date as an attribute value, without explicitly converting it to a string first (i.e. using implicit conversion) results in the date being formatted according to US settings. Adding the value to the attribute using attribute.text=[variable] results in the date being...
  4. DrHeadgear

    Property sheets & multiple file streams

    Thanks for that, very helpful. My survey of the single NTFS volume near me (our test server) was obviously too small a sample... Thats what happens when developers are playing around with usefull looking tools. It does use the SummaryInformation stream though (apart from on the Office docs)...
  5. DrHeadgear

    Displaying a variable's name, not its assigned value...

    try something like this (sorry, my JS is a little rusty, watch out for syntax errors...): people=new Array() function person(name,number,group) { this.name=name this.number=number this.group=group } function addPerson(name,number,group) { var pers=new person(name,number,group)...
  6. DrHeadgear


    I agree, this sounds like quite a strange DB design to me, why are all the rows the same? Question: how do you know which row to update, assuming there is a specific row you are interested in? If you want to update only one row, but ANY row, then try using TOP 1 in your statement. My SQL is a...
  7. DrHeadgear

    Property sheets & multiple file streams

    Well, on NTFS all files have a "Summary" tab in their property pages. Apart from the Office documents, which maintain this data elsewhere, moving these files to FAT produces a dialogue box which warns that the file contains multiple streams, which will be lost to FAT. So I accept the...
  8. DrHeadgear

    Property sheets & multiple file streams

    Sorry, a quick PS: I still have the question of what the summary info stream name is for documents other than Office docs. This is definitely a stream, but whats it called? Anyone know? "Lets integrate!" If it doesn't work it's not my fault.
  9. DrHeadgear

    Property sheets & multiple file streams

    Thanks for that. I hadn't realised that summary info for e.g. a txt file is handled differently to office files, i.e. that summary is only available for txt files on NTFS volumes while office files can also contain this info on FAT volumes. I guess my search for a generic solution isn't going...
  10. DrHeadgear

    Property sheets & multiple file streams

    I'm trying to access some of the multiple file streams used in e.g. summary information for a file on NTFS volumes. I'm using some stuff from Dino Esposito on MSDN: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnw2k/html/ntfs5.asp To access one of the underlying named...
  11. DrHeadgear

    Selecting nodes from a default namespace with msmxl Dom

    Does your XML document have a default namespace? Do your selectNodes and selectSingleNode methods on your DOMDocument draw a blank? Try this: objDom.setProperty "SelectionNamespaces", "xmlns:newPrefix='myCurrentDefaultNamespace'" objDom.selectNodes("//newPrefix:ThisNodeName") What...
  12. DrHeadgear

    Threading question

    I'd like to be able to call a dll from another dll, start it doing a long tedious task, proceed to my next line of code, then come back and check if it was finished when I've done the other stuff I wanted to do. I really don't want to have to wait around for the second dll to finish its task...
  13. DrHeadgear

    How to embed one xmldom object to a node of another xmldom objec

    nodeToAppendto.appendChild Domdocument.firstchild or more specific to you: innernode.appendchild htmlDom.firstchild You can't append a document type node directly, but if you use domdocument.firstchild to select the rootnode you can then append it to the desired node in your other document...
  14. DrHeadgear

    Reference to a schema stored on Web

    Your http string uses forward slashes "\" instead of backslashes "/". Hard drive locations should be specified with forward slashes, http paths with backslashes. Hope that helps.
  15. DrHeadgear

    VB& crash on loadxml with msxml4

    Using msxml4 and VB6 with DomDocument40 on Windows2000 I get a &quot;VB6 has generated internal errors and will shut down&quot; message on loading xml (loadXML). Here is the string I'm sending: <RootTag xmlns:xsi=&quot;http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema- instance&quot...

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