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Search results for query: *

  1. Quasibobo

    Font Query

    Post some of the relevant (CSS)-code please.... Don't eat yellow snow!
  2. Quasibobo

    Use row-numbers for export

    Ok.... I'll go with the ROW()-function! Don't eat yellow snow!
  3. Quasibobo

    Use row-numbers for export

    Hi, Is it possible to use the row-numbers from an Excel-sheet? I'd like to have a unique id (like auto_increment in SQL), so why not use the row-numbers? I need those numbers for an export... Is that possible? (Otherwise I need to add another column with the numbers 1 to ...., but when you...
  4. Quasibobo

    Disable an onChange

    I changed the script with the ENTER disabled. It's fine now... thanks anyway! BTW.... it's not greek or latin, it's dutch ;) Don't eat yellow snow!
  5. Quasibobo

    Disable an onChange

    Easy way: Ok.... I'll disable the ENTER-key (or ENTER = next formfield (like TAB)). Tough way: Here's the code (the function have other names than I mentioned in de posts!!) <html> <head> <title>Bestellen per lijst</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html...
  6. Quasibobo

    Disable an onChange

    yes... it validates the field, but the user can decide to ignore the alertmessage. He can easily click in the next textfield without changing the negative value. So I need to run this checkNeg() again when submitting... Don't eat yellow snow!
  7. Quasibobo

    Disable an onChange

    Just making sure no negative values are submitted... Everyime a formfield gets a value, the onChange activates the checkNeg()-function. But after the alert-message ('Don't use negative values!'), the user can ignore this message and skip to the next field using his mousepointer. So I need to...
  8. Quasibobo

    Disable an onChange

    Hi, I have some formfields with an onChange="checkNeg()" The form itself has an onSubmit="return(Verify())" This function looks like this: function Verify(){ if (!checkNeg() || !checkValues()) { return(false); } return (true); } But what happens when I hit 'ENTER' in a...
  9. Quasibobo

    What does if (&quot;&quot;.replace) do???

    OK... thanks, I found this in a somewhat older script (but partly usefull to me and no original author). But I think I can savely remove this statement,I already altered most of the script (no special javascript-functions...) to the script I wanted. Don't eat yellow snow!
  10. Quasibobo

    What does if (&quot;&quot;.replace) do???

    Isn't Replace a standard function in javascript? Or are there browsers who don't support javascript? Why should this be tested? Don't eat yellow snow!
  11. Quasibobo

    What does if (&quot;&quot;.replace) do???

    Hi, I'm curious to know what this if-statement means (javascript): if ("".replace) { } I can't think of anything.... Bet it's something simple, but I can't figure it out! T.I.A. Quasibobo Don't eat yellow snow!
  12. Quasibobo

    select() with OnChange=&quot;check(this)&quot;

    Thanks.... that was easy! I'm getting the hang of "this" now... Don't eat yellow snow!
  13. Quasibobo

    select() with OnChange=&quot;check(this)&quot;

    Hi there, I've got this code: <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- function CheckBanknr(val) { if ("".replace) { waarde = val.value; var rekNr = String(waarde).toUpperCase().replace(/[\s\t-\.]/g,""); // Delete white space, hyphens en periods if (rekNr.match(/[^P^0-9]/g)) { // If...
  14. Quasibobo

    Onchange and select()-problem

    Thanks.... a great idea! It works perfectly! I sould remember this way of solving such a problem: just create another function.... Don't eat yellow snow!
  15. Quasibobo

    Onchange and select()-problem

    Hi, I've got these form fields that i need to check wiether the value of this field is less than zero. If so, give an alert message and select this field. <form name="invoeren"> <input type ="bestellen_1_1" onChange="Optellen(1,4)"> <input type ="bestellen_1_2" onChange="Optellen(1,4)">...
  16. Quasibobo

    HD doesn't save

    Ok... After posting this I have formatted and scandisk-ed the HD and still "it comes back to life". All the directories and files re-appear! I've googled all the running processes and the values in startup.ini, disconnected the HD (no error-message) and still.... sigh: The directories and...
  17. Quasibobo

    HD doesn't save

    Hi, I've got two (physical) HD's in my PC, a 120Gb HD (less than 1 year old) and a 40Gb HD (about 3 years old). Since three weeks I can't save anything anything to the 40Gb-HD! At least.... I can save files, untill I reboot (or shutdown en startup) the PC. Then, anything that I had saved on...
  18. Quasibobo

    ASP to HTML

    Morning, The thing I want to do must be quite simple, i guess, but I do not know how. With ASP and Access I generate multiple html files to build a site. Now I want to be able to save one output file as an html page. In stead of always accessing menu.asp which builds the menu I want to...
  19. Quasibobo

    Delete File from Server

    Yes, I checked and the anonymous user has al rights... More suggestions? Don't eat yellow snow!
  20. Quasibobo

    Delete File from Server

    Hello, It is getting anoying but I can't seem to delete a file of the server. This is de code I use: Path = ServerPath & "\upload\"& Map & "\" & File Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") IF FSO.FileExists(Path) THEN FSO.DeleteFile(""& Path & "") Response.Write(""& Path &...

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