whit the firware 115.022 (r3) you can chouse in the configuration the option in qos svp or wifi standar
your ap must have the option wmm in the qos config
i find the best ap have this option
Hello !!
do yo know what is the best access point
to use with this wireless and i do not want to use the svp(2245) only the qos of access point because this is a small office (only one)
Ksu :bcm50 r3
Salut Dave !!!
OUIN j'ai le meme probleme que toi moi aussi j'ai besoin
du mot de passe de root
j'ai parler aun tech de mtl pis il ma donne un mot de passe
mai ca marche pas tu peut tester de ton cote
user :rccuser
password :r33CCtgs2?
Hello !!!
I have a bcm 400 4.0 with a rcc on server 2003 I will like to know how to have the password of mysql because the customer will want to recover the data for the intgre has its applications
thank you
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