You are correct, I have passwords for my patch, however I have to clear up somewhere else after they have left leaving a muddle behind them. Yes we have all been there .....
Im answer to your question, yes my reasons are legit, I need to provide a paper trail of the machines use in school before it is Nuked and removed from the education environment. Thanks for all your replies I am looking at them all
Hi all I have a need to be able to boot a PC to a CMD or DOS window (password unknown on the PCs) and then copy the contents C:/ dir to a USB or A:/ floppy drive any ideas?
the script to copy the file is easy if logged on but I need to copy the directory contents prior to Nuking the drives. I...
Hi I have 2 domains with 2 different IP ranges, they do however both connect to the internet via 1 router. I can ping the printer from one domain to the other but how can I get to print from one to the printer on the other?
I have tried adding printer with no luck
any ideas...
Hi all, thanks for your help, but have now sorted the problem with a batch file. CODE BELOW
reg delete "HKCU\Control Panel\Accessibility" /f
'pause put in to test that it worked...
Hi Mark I ws passed this script, but it fails
'Disable Sticky Keys
Set ObjShell = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
RegKey = "HKCU\Control Panel\Accessability\Stickykeys\"
WSHShell.RegWrite regkey & "Flags","506","REG_SZ"
with object required WSHShell
Hi I have looked in group policy, however I cannot find a setting that will disable the user from hitting shift 5 times to enable sticky keys. I have used the reg as described in web posts but only works the once, logoff and it reappears.
Hi does any one know how to disable sticky keys with a script.
The kids in school drive us nuts pressing shift 5 times to enable it and the reg hack does not stop it.
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Accessibility\StickyKeys]
Hi all, I have a HTA that I want to run on user start up, however it executes before the users desktop has appeared which makes it unusable. any ideas on how to delay it until the desktop has loaded?
Thanks for any help
Hi is there a way to disable the Alt F4 command to stop a window from being closed?
There are bits on the web but none of them work (XP operating system) Thanks
Hi all, I have a script which runs ok except I would like it to return to the begining of my HTA script or to a Subroutine within it,if the password supplied is incorrect.
The error shows a msgbox that has to be clicked, can the result of doing this run the sub routine?
any ideas on how i could...
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