Sorry for the cross posting
I am trying to create a printer mapping application using the prnadmin.dll, i am getting the error "The parameter is incorrect" when i try to set the parameter" ServerName. I have tried IP address, Logical name etc. But i am unable to get past this issue. If i...
I am trying to create a printer mapping application using the prnadmin.dll, i am getting the error "The parameter is incorrect" when i try to set the parameter" ServerName. I have tried IP address, Logical name etc. But i am unable to get past this issue. If i leave this blank it is creating...
I can generate an output from the command window using the above, but when i try in access using both Shell or Shell&wait no output is generated. Any ideas as to where i am going wrong?
Works in Cmd Line
tasklist /fi "username eq xxxxxx" /fi "modules eq aceintl.dll"> H:\Documents\chk.txt...
I can manage, by either using enumerate windows or other functions, to check to see if an instance of Access is running and therby stop another instance loading. What i want though is to do this on a user by user basis. This because the accdr will be run on a remote server and i...
No joy i'm afraid, even if i onlyhave the following SQL
SELECT [DeviceID] FROM [tbl_Device] - it still fails with the SQL being displayed in the error message. Not my choice to have the annoying underscores in the table name either.
I am coming across an issue in a sub form in an Access 2007 adp file. Before anyone says "why are you using an adp" - i inherited it. Anyway, when i try to add a new item in the sub form, which is being displayed in a datasheet style i get the error "Microsoft Office Access can't find the...
I don't have much experience of xml so i was wondering if anyone could help with a problem where one element is not being recognised in my XML.
The sex element which is in xsd SchemaXML_Multi1.xsd fails to validate and i get the following error Cannot resolve the name 'as:Sex' to a(n) 'element...
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