Hi LB,
Thanks for your reply.
Yes they are both left outer joins. I have been getting around the problem for now using subreports but this is not ideal and can slow the report down significantly.
I have been trying to join 3 tables together with an outer join from table 1 to table 2 and then another outer join from table 2 to table 3. When I try and run the report I get an error
"Failed to retrieve data from the database"
Followed by:
"Failed to retrieve data from the database...
Thanks for your help so far.
The code is different from mentioned earlier
numbervar i;
stringvar message;
for i := 1 to 96 do
if asc(mid({table2.schema}, i+1, 1)) = 255 then
message := message
message := message + i + " " + asc(mid({table2.schema}, i+1, 1))...
Hi Turkbear,
I haven't explained this correctly.
each of the 96 characters = a 15 minute timeslot if the number after the conversion <> 255 then there is an entry for that timeslot. So I need to loop through all 96 characters and effectively create a record for each number that <> 255 then...
Table 1 has name(string), timeslot(number) fields
Table 2 has schema a string field that contains 96 ASCII characters
Table 3 has ID(number), Description(string)
the result of:
asc(mid({table2.schema}, {table1.timeslot}+1, 1))
gives me the ID number for table 3
I am trying to report name and...
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