well, this is the bug i want to get rid of.
the behavior of this control is for some small tuning capabilities.
you have an answer to this problem? anything that can put me on the right track?
thx in advance.
I have a little bug : when I play around of value 10, it still become 11. After it become 11 it decrement with 10 and jump to number 1 directly. how to clean this up?
(when I am at value 10, I go up to 20, then go down back to 10, and when I click to go up again it transform to 11).
look over this file and tell me how are you thinking in improve it !
I spend an entire night at it.
The idea is to have a MAP (on the paper) and rapidly look over it and "remember" what i must to put when I need it.
it's like a pocket reminder(a very tiny little map)...
string versus String !
I have a question (a little embarrassing because I see it so late), what is the difference between String and string ? not in the way that String is a Class and string is a reference type. But rather how to think about them in the term of uses.
I searched and find this...
Hy again. I have a new question: I want a string to see it flashing when I click a button. It sound crazy but I actually want to adapt it to a led connected to serial port (rs232) (pin3+/pin5gnd) and to make it like a strobe light (at a fv of 100ms for example). But first I want to make a...
if I dont ask too much ... can you make me another class from which I can learn stuff? (not too advanced though - im a beginner ~relative~).
In continuation/ with the same line of thought; for this project. Something about automatic executions (in general), and some user input (minimal).
yeee..... I did it....here is the code:
namespace NewCounting //yeee..... I did it....here is the code:
public partial class Form1 : Form
Counter XxmyObject = new Counter(10);
public Form1()
public int Maximum { get; private set; }
is the shortcut to the default one:
int maximum;
public int Maximum
get { return maximum; }
set { maximum = value; }
no problem, but its not finished yet.
#region <GlobalDeclarations+Objects>
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Threading...
actually I find what I searched for and the answer is like this:
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (timer1.Enabled == true)
timer1.Enabled = false; button1.Text = "start"; button1.BackColor = Color.Aqua;
The same btn click event who can switch between 3 strings like "Aa", "Bb","Cc"?
1 click pop up the first string, second click(same btn) pop up the second string, and the third click(same btn) the last string?
And after the third one it begin with the first string, second,etc.
My question is how to create this: for an existing object a new custom property?
"existing object"= an object control in general (ex: a textbox)
"new custom property"= by default this control "textbox" have this property:
...and many other properties off course,but I snipe to...
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